Chapter 24

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Derrick got up to go pop some popcorn while i put in The Best Man Holiday .

Me : bae hurry up !

Derrick : im coming ! im not about to eat burned popcorn

I sat down with my ice cream . instead of putting it in a bowl , i just ate straight from the box . I put the movie on pause and ran upstairs to put on something comfortable ... which is one of derrick's shirts .

I went back downstairs and he was already sitting on the couch with his popcorn . I put my feet on him and pressed play .

The next morning

The smell of bacon just slapped me in my face . I opened my eyes and saw that derrick wasnt on the couch . We did fall asleep on the couch last night . after late night eating , we didnt feel like getting up . i fell asleep on his chest last night .

I checked my phone and texted people back , checked instagram , snapchatted people back , and looked at my mentions on twitter . I slowly got up and used the bathroom . I went in the kitchen and sat on the counter top to watch derrick .

Derrick : good morning babe
Me : good morning

We walked over to me and kissed me .

Derrick : how you feeling ?
Me : im good

I felt something come up from my stomach . I jumped down off the counter top and ran in the bathroom to throw up . I heard derrick turn the stove off and he came in the bathroom to put a cold wash cloth on my forehead . i hate morning sickness .

Derrick rubbed my back and put some more cold water on the cloth .

Derrick : it wss probably that ice cream

I gave him the devil look . He threw his hands up in defense .

Derrick : hey im just saying

I flushed the toilet and went upstairs to brush my teeth . I opened the door into liberty's room and she was still knocked out . it was 11:26 a.m. this girl sleeps long . I closed her door and went back downstairs . Derrick had already fixed my plate of french toast , grits , and bacon . I sat at the table across from him .

Me : thank you honey
Derrick : youre welcome . liberty is going to be mad if she comes downstairs and theres no food for her
Me : she'll be ight . she better fix some damn cereal
Derrick : oh come on dont do her li-

I gave him the devil look .

Derrick : maybe i should let it go
Me : that would be smart
Derrick : i hope you have a boy
Me : me too . i want one
Derrick : hes gona be a mini me
Me : *smiles*

Liberty finally came downstairs rubbing her eyes and stretching .

Liberty : wheres my food ?
Me : on the stove . you lucky we saved you some

She fixed her plate and sat beside me . She rubbed my stomach .

Liberty : hi my little brother , or sister , or twins , or quads , or q-
Me : OK !
Derrick : *laughs*
Liberty : ma i got a crush

All you heard was a fork drop .

Me : on who ? that little black boy
Liberty : *blushes* he is so cute
Derrick : who is this nigga ?
Liberty : hes in my class , hes so cute and so charming but i dont want a relationship
Me : *high fives liberty* and why you dont ?
Liberty : because im only in the 5th grade and im tryna be successful . maybe down the line ill get one but not now
Me : thats my girl . relationships are difficult . you question yourself if hes faithful , what hes doing , who hes with . and you dont want a guy like derrick because hes difficult
Derrick : now calling somebody difficult should be the LAST THING out your mouth
Me : chill im just playing babe
Derrick : mmhhmm

We threw our plates away and derrick washed dishes . I decided to have mother and daughter day with liberty today . i try to have that every saturday .

I took my shower and got dressed . i wore my sleeveless black button down shirt with my blue shorts and my jordans . I put on my makeup and pink lipstick .

Liberty : YES !

Liberty is like a little mini me . she loves her makeup like i do and she loves to dress like i do . We had on the samething except her shorts were white . I kissed derrick good bye and we left .

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