Chapter 8

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when lauren and liberty went to sleep , i snuck out the room . I had a booty call .








JUST KIDDING ! Dont jump down my throat . What i was really doing is going back to the trap .

I went into boss's office and he was pissed .

Boss : DAMN IT !

Me : i KNOW ! Her damn UNCLE ! I might not be the boss , but i want him DEAD ! He could be anywhere . He raped my girl , touched her daughter , and THEN stole our money

Boss : i want him even more dead than you because thats my money hes f*ckin with

Me : where do you think he is ?

Boss : i have no idea . but all i know is , you better get ya girl out her house since he knows where she lives

Me : youre right

Boss's wife came in the office with some chinese food . Her name is Tangerine .

Tangerine : here you go honey

Boss : i dont want it

Tangerine : whats wrong honey ? you never turn down food

Boss : this nigga who stole our damn money done raped derrick's girlfriend and touched her daughter

Tangerine : omg is she ok ?

Me : she is

Tangerine : do you know this guy's name ?

Me : i think she said his name is Jerry

Tangerine froze in place and didnt say anything . Little did we know , tangerine knew jerry .

Boss : honey ..

Tangerine : huh

Boss : are you ok ? whats wrong ?

Tangerine : i know him

Boss : well sit yo ass down !

Tangerine sat down beside me .

Me : where is he ?

Tangerine : i dont know . but when he raped your girlfriend when she was 13 , he told me not to tell anybody or he would kill me . im his cousin

Boss : HIS COUSIN ?!

Tangerine : yes but wait . i dont talk to him at all . im afraid of him after he threatened me

Me : so that means you are related to my girl

Tangerine : pretty much

This is a small ass world .

Lauren's P.O.V

I woke up because my phone started vibrating . i looked to see what time it was and it was 12:30 . derrick is gone and liberty is knocked out in the chair . since its 12:30 , zahari should be off from work . She called me .

Phone Conversation :

Me : hello

Zahari : bitch where yo ass at !

Me : *sleepy voice* dont yell

Zahari : girl where you at ? you usually vamp at night

Me : im in the hospital

Zahari : THE HOSPITAL ?! WHY ?!

Me : my uncle came back and raped me and he touched liberty


Me : wait , can you stop by my house and get my phone charger , some changing clothes , underwear , liberty's changing clothes , and her underwear ?

Zahari : yes . give me about 20 minutes

Me : ok

Zahari : ight . bye

Me : bye

End of conversation

I looked over at liberty and just thought about what happened today . i would take a bullet to the head for my child . no if , ands , or buts about it . she is only 11 so i hate that she went through what i went through when i got pregnant with her  . all i know is , derrick better find my uncle and kill him . im not playing .

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