A wish that could never come true

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Every year from the age of eleven I've wished the same wish knowing it would never come true, after all I wish for the forbidden fruit, yet deep down I smile thinking maybe this year.

Something changed for me at eleven, I was no longer that little girl wanting to listen to music and play in the playground with my friends, I was desperate to be wherever the fruit was, it was like a magnet pulling me in and I was wanting more and more.

Now at the age of eleven we all have great imaginations and I knew it was all in my mind and the fruit was just being kind, after all we were in totally different places with life, but as I grew the desire grew to and I still wished that wish, with the hope my imagination wasn't  playing games with me anymore.

We talked and acted like friends but something was there, I knew it, the fruit eventually knew it and we both knew it was wrong, way wrong, so much was against us.

By the age of fifteen the  fruit moved away and I thought that was it, I was free to be normal again, do what other girls my age did, and I did for awhile but every christmas I still wished to have that forbidden fruit back in my life.

Then it happened I was walking through town and my heart skipped a beat, I didn't even have to  turn, I just knew the fruit was behind me, I was sixteen now and well the fruit was still forbidden, we talked and it all came flooding back it felt so right in my heart, but the sensible part of me my brain, knew it couldn't happen.

But who every listened to their brain, we met regularly for a few years secretly we walked, talked about how things could have been, yet could never be, eventually  we agreed we had to stop before something more happened and I left, I saw the forbidden fruit many more times over the years but I kept my distance.

I found happiness settled down and got married but  the fruit stayed with me inside my heart, and I secretly still wished every year for just one moment, to feel the magic.

I never got to feel that magic, but I wouldn't change that for the world now. The magic will always be in my heart and maybe if I'd tasted it, it would have changed every thing.

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