Bring me back to life.

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You made me feel like a wilted flower, that I was no use to you anymore, through something that happened that was no fault of my own.

Don't you think I don't know I've changed, I've had too, I've had to build this wall around me, protect myself cause you didn't do it for me did you?

Sorry, I know, I shouldn't, you didn't know, but I can't help being so angry, are you not angry about what happened? You hardly even look at me now, do I make you feel physically sick, because when I look in the mirror that's how I feel, the person looking back it isn't me anymore and I don't know how to get her back.

You know two months ago I had dreams, big dreams, dreams I wanted to share with you and the world, ambitions, high ambitions, I was full of energy, life, now I struggle to get out of bed of a morning, even though I can see the golden rays of the sun shining down, they don't reach me anymore, I'm living in a constant shadow, a shadow of doubt not knowing what tomorrow is going to bring.

I knew you would distant yourself it's who you are, you need time to process things your own way, but I always thought you would return, will you return?

I don't know why but I feel with you beside me I can fight this, what ever this is, please come back and make me feel alive again.....please.

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