I dreamt of you

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I dreamt of you again last night, it was so real I could feel the warmth of your breath on my skin.

We were laughing, real laughter, not like it is with them, that is a coping laugh, this was a we are totally at ease with each other lovers laugh.

We were curled up under a chequered blanket, an open fire was roaring away, we were watching old black and white films, I don't think we understood them but we laughted anyway, you were whispering something in my ear but the dream didn't allow me to hear what it was, although my eyes seemed to lighten up, and well what happened next was explosive.

Then seconds later my dream changed, we were at work but hardly talking to each other it was awkward, I would catch you glancing at me I would smile but we couldn't allow anybody to catch on that something was going on, it just couldn't happen.

The last part of the dream was the worst, we were arguing you wanted more, you wanted me to leave with you, you were shouting, I've never seen you angry with me but I could see the tears behind your eyes.

I so wanted to just hug you and say yes, but even  my dream didn't allow this, I wish it had, caused you turned and walked away, at that moment I woke crying.

I don't know why I'm writing to tell you this, I guess I'm worried if I told you face to face then the dream might turn to reality,  and I don't, wait can't lose you.

I've realised that I need to do what makes me happy I want to hear that laughter between us life is to short to live with regrets, so here it goes will you run away with me..........

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