If only dreams came true

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I didn't want to wake, I knew it wasn't real, but just seeing you in my dreams made me smile.

You were saving me, I was getting involved in stuff I knew I shouldn't again, but as always you turned up just at the right time.

My hero.

I remember you always showing up at the times I needed you, like a guardian Angel, my friends used to think you were weird, but I knew different.

We'd spend hours and hours just talking, I still can't talk to anybody the way I talked to you, maybe my dream was your way of telling me you're still here for me.

I could do with you now, things are difficult, I don't know why but I feel strange so much has happened and I miss you, you were my rock.

I'm sick, it's a sickness you can't see on the outside, but it's eating away at me slowly on the inside, and the last few days I've felt different, not ill, just like something is happening and I have no control of my body.

I'm not religious, but I have my own beliefs, I believe our souls carry on, people we meet we have met many times before, everything happens for a reason. I was angry at you when you went, I told you so many times to quit, but you laughed it off and what's more heart breaking is I never got to say goodbye, I'd moved on with my life... well that's what I tried to make myself believe.

We have to kept reliving lives until all the piece of the jigsaw fit perfectly into place. I know our souls are connected they have to be, I knew, you knew, but this world wasn't right for us, the timing was wrong.

Our feeling were strong and I'm hoping the next life will be our time the final pieces fitting perfectly together our happy ever after, until then my dreams will keep us close, and you'll forever be in my heart.

Time stood stillNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ