Reality hits me

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So it's finally over, how can I  keep dreaming when you now have your perfect  reality.

It was good whilst I thought maybe there could of been a chance, but now it would be impossible, you have made your choice bringing something into the picture that I could never compete with.

If the feelings were ever two sided you must of decided I would never change and you moved on to make your own happy ever after.

I'm pleased for you, I truly am, but I'm also a little sad. I don't know why cause I don't think I could of ever acted on my feelings anyway, but deep down I thought maybe you would confess to feeling something and then, well we will never know now will we.

It's going to be different now, even though you didn't know of my feelings or if you did you never let on. I'm going to have to put on a smile pretend everything is the same, where for me everything has changed.

People change and I thought I would once I didn't  see you constantly, I thought our lives would just fade apart, cause really we were total opposites and if it hadn't been for just one person talking to you we would probably have never even been friends.

We didn't though we both made the effort to keep in touch and I smiled to myself ever time I got a message of something you had achieved or when something had gone wrong for you, I smiled not because something or someone hurt you, but because you thought of me to tell, that ment something right, or maybe I read to much into everything, maybe there  was never anything to it, and it was just my over active mind.

I'm sure we will remind friends and you'll be oblivious to how much I wanted to share  special moments with you, and that's ok because maybe it was meant to be this way, maybe anything else would have spoilt the friendship we have.

Life brings many different situations and maybe we plan our own futures, or maybe they were always meant to go a certain  way, whatever we do to try and change that course the final destination will be the same, because that's what was mapped out for us from the beginning, and who knows maybe it won't end here,  maybe something will change again but maybe not. Either way I'll always be happy for you, because that's just me, and friends is fine at least you're  not out of my life forever.

  I'm learning that's just the way it goes, it's  not the first or the last time something will affect my life and that's something I'll always be able to say about you, you certainly affected my life and for that I'll always be truly greatful.

I hope you feel you've  made the right decisions and that your happiness will last forever, seeing someone you care about happy is sometimes just as rewarding as you being the one making them happy, and I'll always be there if needed and I hope you know that.

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