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9:35 a.m.

"Valen-" I looked to my side and saw her leaning down. She was going straight to the floor. "Fuck!"

She hit the ground, hard. I knelt down and grabbed her in my arms. Loud cry came out of her mouth and her body was so tense. I was freaking out. I didn't know what to do and I didn't have my phone on me.

"Cesar!" I yelled out. "Cesar, wake the fuck up!" I yelled louder. Cesar rushed out to the kitchen and gasped.

"What happened?" He asked shocked. Valentina's body started jerking.

"Cesar call 911!" I yelled and he jumped. He ran to his room and came back with his phone. "Cesar, the ambulance is for today."


I was in the waiting room, anxious as fuck. Never in my life I've dealt with this type of shit. I just wanted to know what was wrong with my baby. Shit, I was so scared. What the fuck was taking them so long?

"How's Valentina?" Benito asked sitting next to me.

"I don't know. They haven't told me anything," I said and he rubbed his face. Benito stood up and walked down the hallway.

I stayed there for a thirty more minutes and Benito came back. His nose was red and his eyes were puffy.

"You can go see her now, room two twenty-five." He said and I nodded.

I was nervous as fuck. My hands were shaking and shit. I knocked on the door and walked in.

"Hey," I whispered and she smiled at me. "How are you solecito?"

"I'm okay," she leaned into my touch when I caressed her cheek. "You don't need to whisper now. What happened?" She asked and I took a deep breath.

"You started convulsing," I said and she smiled sadly. "I freaked out and Cesar called 911 and here you are."

"I'm so so sorry," she said grabbing my hand.

"Valentina you don't have to be sorry. You can't control that shit." I said kissing her hand. "What was that anyways?"

"Migraines. I get them really bad as you can see," she lifted her IV chuckling.

"Mami you scared me so bad," I said with a sigh and she held my hand tighter.

"I'm okay baby," she said and I nodded.

"Valentina!" A lady bursted in the room and rushed to her. "Baby are you okay?"

"Hi titi," she smiled and hugged the lady. "I'm fine. Titi this is Oscar, my boyfriend," she pointed at me and I gave her a short smile. "Oscar this is Lily, my tía."

"Nice to meet you," I said and she hugged me. I looked at Valentina who covered her face with the sheets embarrassed.

"Nice to meet you too mijo," she smiled at me and sat next to Valentina. "I saw Beni outside the hospital when I came in."

"Yeah, he talked to me." She muttered tearing up and I frowned.

It pisses me off seeing her cry. I don't like seeing her cry.

I caressed her hand and held it close to my face. She looked at me and smiled.

"I got a joke for you cielo," her aunt said and I held back a smile.

You have to be fucking kidding me.

"Where do beef burgers go to dance?" She asked and Valentina smiled shrugging her shoulders. "The meat-ball."

They both started laughing and I rubbed my forehead smiling. Now I know where she got it from.

"He never finds them funny titi," Valentina said getting my attention. "I think, I'm hilarious."

"You suck at making jokes mi amor," I kissed her hand and my phone started ringing. "I'll be back mami."

It wasn't THAT bad...

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