Chapter 32

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Hey guys so I need your opinion. I was thinking about writing a mafia book. Should I do it? 


On the way home I don't say a word and just look out the window but I can feel Ace steeling glances my way. Neither one of us utter a single word and sit in rather silence. Thankfully it was a comfortable silence. 

I get ready to stop out as I see we stopped at our building. "You go ahead, I should be back in an hour and half." I look at Ace as he speaks softly. I simply nod and get out but bend back down before I close the door to speak. "What about the bags?" If I get them now I can start unpacking. 

"I'll bring them with me when I come." Once again I nod and shut the door. I simply walk through the doors and into the elevator which thankfully I don't have to wait for. I smile at the old couple as they walked out of the elevator and I walked it. 

I take out my key from my purse as I walk out of the elevator and stop in front of the big brown doors. I walk in and lock the doors including the lock which can only be opened from the inside. 

"You're safe. No one can get in here now, you locked the door." I give myself a pep talk to to ensure my safety. I just need to feel a little more safe. I know no one can get in since there is high security here and the security system is on and the door is locked from the inside. 

I think I should make some pasta. This way I get some food and I'll get to calm down. I don't know why but cooking always calms me down. I'm just glad that Ace has everything stocked in his kitchen. This really is working. I feel so much better now and due to the noises I'm making and the pots and stuff I don't feel scared any more. 

I'm very paranoid so when I'm all alone I hear noises the smallest of noises and they freak me out for no apparent reason. Yeah, I'm like that. 

Just as I take out a plate for my pasta I hear a banging on the door causing me to flinch. I grab the big knife and start heading towards the door in slow steps. The banging only gets louder. "Violet open up!" It sounds like Ace and his tone sounds as if he's a little worried. 

I run into the kitchen to put the knife away, I don't want to scare Ace with the big knife. Running back to the door I unlock it and let Ace in. 

"Are you okay?" Ace looks around frantically. I look down at this large rough hands which were holding my small ones. "Yeah I'm fine." I say in a small voice still not looking up from his hands. Within seconds of me looking he snatches his hands back. 

I wonder why he held my hands. "Why didn't you open the door the first few times I knocked?" Ah that's why he seems worried. "Well I was in the kitchen I probably didn't hear anything." Ace hums in response and starts walking away from the door while I turn around and lock the door. I don't think this man ever locks the door. Like when we came here from the gala he didn't lock the door then either. I had to lock the door in the middle of the night when I woke up to get some water. 

Turing around I see his jacket lying on the back of the couch but he was no where to be seen. Maybe he went to his room. I just shrug it off and off and decided to go to the kitchen to eat my pasta. When I walk in I thought I would see the kitchen empty only to find Ace sitting on the barstool with a plate of pasta in front of him, eating. I furrow my eyebrows and pout as I take in the sight of my pasta being eaten without me. 

Don't get me wrong the ride here took us a while with traffic and so now is exactly the time for lunch and I made some for him too but I didn't think he would just eat it without me. "What?" The king finally looks up. "You're just going to eat the pasta I made without me?" I'm hungry, I just start grabbing another plate and serve myself. 

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