Chapter 27

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Hey guys to I'm going to try and update by Sunday so I guess you kind of have an update schedule and I will try and stick to it so without any further ado please enjoy. Don't forget to like, comment, follow and share. 


After eating dinner we are all just sitting around with the whole family including moms and dads. We're all seated on the couch listening to the guys talk about cars. Right now I am the typical girl cause I don't know anything about cars. When it came to cars my knowledge was limited to when I needed to get the car into maintenance simply because there was a light telling me. 

As the guys talk about the latest cars, the girls are talking about a charity event which is just a week after this mini vacation is over. 

"What's the event for anyway?" Mom asks Mama Emerson. Currently the living room is split between the men and women. On on half of the living room are all of the women and the other half has all of the men.  

"It's to raise money to help orphans." Mama Emerson says. She is currently sitting next to my mom and Alice sitting next to her. Anna, Carrie and Julian are sitting on another couch whereas I am sitting in a reclining rocking chair. 

I love rocking chairs, they make me go so crazy! I just love rocking back and forth, it just feels so good but then, I don't know why, but I get dizzy after a while then I have to stop but then I miss the rocking so I just go back to rocking or getting up and leaving, knowing that I can't handle the rocking chair. Now if no one was here I would be making noises going 'oh here I go and I'm coming right back'. I know I'm really crazy and childish when it comes to rocking chairs. 

"V. honey what're you doing?" The voice of concerned Mama Emerson brings me out of my trance of rocking chairs. 

"What do you mean?" Of course I'm fine. Maybe she detects that I'm not paying attention to the conversation that's why she's asking me.

"Honey you are rocking the hell out of that chair" Her comment makes me come to a stop as I realize that apparently everyone in the room is looking at me like I'm a newly discovered animal with two asses. 

"Oh yeah, sorry I wasn't paying attention" I wasn't technically lying so I'm good. 

"Quit lying. You see Auntie she has an obsession over rocking chairs. Right now you just see her rocking that chair like crazy but one time I walked into the library at home and found her making noises while rocking that chair and talking to no one." Why the fuck is Jacob always trying to expose me. I smack my teeth at him as I speak. "Man, why are you always trying to expose me. First with dessert now with my rocking chair. Do you really want to me start with you?" I cock an eyebrow while looking at my brother. 

"Oh please you can't do shit" Alright over confident brother I got you. 

"Hey daddy, so you know how one day when you were going to work and you find that there is a huge scratch on your black Lamborghini. Yeah so what happened was -" my sentence is but off my Jacob muffling my mouth, preventing me from saying anything further. 

"She doesn't know what she's talking about" Jacob says with a weary smile. 

"Mhm" was Dad's only reply as he look at us suspiciously. 

"Don't you dare say shit. Nod your head if you understand" Jacob hisses in my ear. I nod my head causing him to let me go. 

"Jacob scratched the car on a stop sign 'cause he's stupid!" I yell really fast because I know Jacob won't let me say it if he got the hint of what I was going to say.

"And how would you know that?" Dad speaks before Jacob or I could react. 

"Oh shit" I mutter under my breath only for my ears but to my dismay Jacob heard me, causing him to chuckle. Lowering himself down to my ear he whispers "while digging my grave you were only digging yours deeper." I look at him only to see him smiling at me evilly. He's right though. I don't know why but I never think the story through. Like I know I'm going to get in trouble for it too but I never think about it in the moment and just let it slip out. 

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