Chapter 19

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Wow! That's the best that he can do really.  I know that he doesn't really like me but can't he just be nice. I smile not wanting to make anyone suspicious of not wanting anyone to realize this is all fake. 

"Thanks" I mumble but don't look at him. I look around me and I see all of these people who I love and maybe I just meet them but I already love them, who are happy and enjoying life but here I am pretending to be happy not knowing if I will ever be as genuinely happy as they are. Will I ever be as lucky as them so is this how my life will end. I realize that soon everything will be over but I wonder if I will ever find someone who loves me for me. I mean so far I have never dated anybody in my life and no one has ever even asked me out so maybe I will just end up alone. 

"Okay lets all get inside. We don't want to keep the guest waiting?" Anna says as she and Austin start walking. Everybody follows behind. I was just about to follow them when I am pulled back my the hand on my waist. 

All of a sudden I am only an inch away from Ace. "When we walk in there, you need to look happily in love with me and if anyone questions this act-" he points between the two of us "- then it will not be good for you. Am I clear?"    

"Yes sir" I mumble as I look down at my feet and turn around and begin to start walking. I thought that maybe I ran away from his grip but sadly he put his hand around my waist again and started walking with me. 

As we continue to walk though the halls I plaster a fake smile on my face ready to lie to everybody. 

Once we enter I automatically look for my favorite drink. There has to be bar. Where is it! Where is it! Ah ha there it is. I look at Ace about to ask him if I can go to the bar but I guess he had the same thing going on in his mind because he looks at me and says "let's go to the bar." 

He leads us through the crowd and towards the end of the room where the bar was located. 

"Good evening sir and madam, what can I get you two?" The blond bartender asks who seems to be probably in his late 20's. 

"I'll have a scotch on the rocks and the lady will have a glass of red wine." Ace orders without interest or even looking at the bartender because he is too busy examining the room. 

"Actually the lady would like some orange juice if you have any." I butt in which causes Ace's neck to snap in my direction and clench his jaw but luckily he doesn't say anything but looking into his eyes I can tell that he isn't happy. 

"Of course anything for the beautiful lady". The bartender says. 

"Why the fuck can't you just take the red wine." Ace whisper yells to make sure only I head him. Lucky for him no one else was near by. And besides why the hell does it matter if I didn't take the wine but instead juice. 

"Maybe because I didn't want to drink the fucken wine." I don't know where the courage came out of me to say that to him. 

"Don't try to get smart with me!" He says as he looks deeper into me as if he is ready to fight but I am not ready to face him in anything so I simply tear my face to look around the room as Ace did before. I realize that my family has money and so he wouldn't be able to do much damage but I've heard stories about him making lives of the rich a living hell. I just don't want him to ruin my life or my family's or Leo's. God knows my brother and Leo have been my only friends. 

"Here you are, Scotch for the gentleman and orange juice for the stunning lady." Ugh I love this man. Reading his name tag I realize that this good guys name is Wyatt Carter. 

"You can get back to work Mr. Cater. I don't pay you to flirt with the women at this part." Ace says as he takes his glass and I take mine but unlike Ace I take it gently rather then snatch it. 

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