Chapter 16

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As I step through the doors I take a deep breath ready to face whatever comes my way.

As I walk inside I was ready for Ace to yell at me but instead he takes off his suit jacket and throws it aside and sits down on the couch with one hand on his side and the other massaging his temples. 

Thats weird. Why isn't he yelling at me and calling me names? Maybe this is my time to explain what really happened. Okay, yeah, that sounds like a good idea. 

"Ace-" I don't think that was a good idea because as I say his name I am being cut off my the vase on the table being thrown across the room. 

"Don't you fucken dare say anything you bloody whore. All you really are is a slut who seeks attention." All I see in front of me is a very angry Ace. I want to cry because of his words. No one has ever been so mean to me in my life but I won't let him see me like this. I will now cry in front of such an ass of a man who won't even listen to what I have to say. 

"But-" why won't he just listen to me! I am starting to lose my patients. Would it kill him to listen to me and what I have to say. 

"NO! Do you not have enough self control to handle such urges?! I realize that I said that as long as no one finds out its alright but guess what THE WAY YOUR DOING IT SOMEONE'S GONNA FIND OUT!" He says while pointing at me. I can clearly see the anger in his eyes. what do I say to this, I know he isn't going to listen to me but I have to try. 

"I can't risk someone finding out that this relationship is a scam." he starts pacing back and forth as he runs his hands through his hair. 

"But I didn't kiss him-" I get half of my point through before I feel a sudden pain in my back. My back is suddenly against the door and Ace is only an inch from me. I gulp at the lack of space between us. He had my hands pined to my side with his. 

"You cannot date anyone, not even in secret. If I as much as see you talking to a guy that I do not approve of I will ruin the both of you" he slowly states each word showing he means it. But this isn't fair! I didn't even kiss Oliver, he kissed me! And why is it that he can date but I can't. 

Now I lost my shit.

"But that's not fair" I voice my opinion while raising my voice and now my anger is clearly showing.  

"If you can't be mature enough to control thirst of sex and wait for the proper time then you don't deserve this. Your lucky Oliver agreed to not saying anything" This motherfucker!

"I DIDN'T KISS HIM! HE KISSED ME!" I'm very mad now. He thinks Oliver is innocent! That asshole tried to rape me. 

"SHUT THE HELL UP! I know what type of girl you are. You're a gold digger, no matter how much money you have, it's never enough" that really hurt and I am nothing like that but you know what I don't care what he things.

"You're not going to believe me are you?" I ask in a low voice as I put my head down. We are still in the same position with him pinning me to the door so I couldn't really go anywhere. 

I look up as I hear a chuckle. "Don't think this little innocent act of yours is going to fool me. From now on you go to the office with me, you eat lunch with me in the office or alone in YOUR office and you come back home with me and if you need to go somewhere you ask me." I can't believe he wants to dictate my life now. 

"No" I won't let him take over my life. I am my own person and I want to be free and do things like to the park without asking for permission or go shopping or anything really. 

"What do you mean no?" He asks in a low scary voice that sent chills down my spine. 

"I mean I will not become a prisoner in my own life" No matter how scared I am, I will stand my ground. 

"Fine, I guess if engagement suddenly breaks off and the words gets out that the daughter of the Jones' had an affair, it would defame your family and ruin their reputation." I couldn't let that happen. I can't tarnish my family's reputation like it's nothing. Generations have worked hard to earn the reputation that we have now. My father worked so hard for all of this, I can't let is go down the drain. 

"You wouldn't dare. And besides you defame me you defame yourself and your family's reputation." I don't think he will do it because he would also be ruining his and his family's reputation. 

"Would I though, is the real question here, because in front of the media I would look like the victim who got his heart broken while you would look like the monster. I would gain sympathy while you would only gain hatred and shame. And believe me sweetheart, I would dare just try me." I look into his eyes and I can clearly see that he would do it without hesitation. 

"Okay" I hang my head low in defeat and answer as a whisper. I can't believe that I just gave up like that but then agin what was I supposed to do? I couldn't let him ruin my family's hard earned reputation go down the toilet. 

"Good" he says as he lets go of my wrists and backs away from me and walk in the direction of his room, picking up his jacket along the way. 

I sigh in relief that I didn't break down in front of him. I walk myself back to my room, lock the door and collapse on my bed. Tears just start poring out. Why wouldn't he listen to me? I didn't do anything wrong and I understand how it might have looked but would have killed him to just hear me out and listen to my side of the story and then decide on who to believe.

I groan as I realize that I feel asleep whining about that asshole not listening to what I have to say about the whole Oliver situation but I guess that I don't really care what he things because he is going to believe what he wants. I just don't want to be trapped in this life where I have to ask him for permission to do what I want with my time and body. 

Whatever this is only for a year right and then I'm free. Glancing at the clock I realize it's 7:56 pm. I better get up and make some dinner. Firstly let me stretch because well, it's just what I do every time I wake up from a nap or just wake up period. 

As I walk to the kitchen I am wondering if I actually want to cook dinner today. Maybe I could just order pizza or something. You know what pizza sounds really good right now. yeah that sounds perfect. I order a large cheese pizza with some breadsticks. Since Ace is probably not home I decided to just watch a movie in the living room. I login to my Netflix account cause well, it's my life. What should I watch, I have pretty much seen everything on Netflix. After scrolling for about 20 minutes I decide to settle on Game Over, Man, it's a Netflix original. 

Just as the movie starts I had to pause it due to the bell ringing. I knew it was the pizza so I grab the cash I had set aside for the pizza and open the door. Thanking the delivery man I grab the boxes and sit on the couch playing the movie. I didn't bother with the plate since I am the only one eating. 

I got about halfway through the movie before I was interrupted. 

"If it isn't the little whore watching a movie and eating pizza" I knew who that voice belonged to. Why did he have to be so mean to me. I just ignored his comment and continued watching my movie. 

"What you gonna ignore me now that I know the truth about you?" I just have to tolerate this a bit more because by the looks of it he is about to leave since he is dressed with his shoes on and heading towards the door. 

"Slut" he says before he slams the door shut and my tears start flowing. I know that I shouldn't let his words affect me because it's not true but I can't help it. His words are just so cruel that they hurt. I turn off the TV, pack up my boxes and put the left overs in a container and put it in the fridge and go to my room while sobbing. 

I get under the covers and roll up into a ball as if they can hide me from everything going on. Soon sleep takes over me. 



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