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Thursday, 4-19-18

I thrashed through the water, quickly switching arms and kicking my legs until I finally reached the cement edge of the pool. I turned around, just as I had practiced, and sped back to the other end of the pool.

"Wow, Perce. Below 24 seconds, that time. I don't even know how that's possible."

I smiled at my friend, Annabeth. She and I had been friends for over three years, since we were twelve. She really liked to tease me about swimming, and I teased her about reading and architecture all of the time.

I pulled my self out of the pool and toweled off. I swung the white towel over my shoulder and sauntered over to the bleachers, where Annabeth was watching. I sat beside her.

"Want to go get pizza?" I asked.

She nodded. She stood up and grabbed my hands, tugging me back up again.

"Go get changed!" She laughed.

"Fine, fine."

I hurried into the boys' locker room and unlocked my locker. I changed from my wet swim trunks to my street clothes: a pair of jeans and a blue tee shirt.

I shoved my sneakers on before going back to the pool room to meet with Annabeth.

"Ready?" I asked her.

She nodded, pushing her blonde curls out of her eyes.

Together we made our way out of Goode High School and began the small trek to the best pizza parlor in Manhattan.

Since we were only fifteen, we didn't have our driver's licenses yet, so we had to either walk places or get driven by our parents. We typically walked around that time of year, mid spring.

"Are you excited for the competition coming up?" Annabeth asked me, kicking a pile of pebbles on the sidewalk.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm pretty nervous, to be honest." I shoved my hands in my pockets solemnly.

It was our sophomore year, and the coach had suggested that I be captain, which was a huge honor for my age and lack of experience. If I did well during the competition, I'd get the position. I wasn't sure if I wanted it to begin with, though. That seemed like a lot of pressure, and I don't classify myself as a leader or someone to go to for encouragement.

"How? You have below 24 seconds for a 50 meter freestyle! That's incredible, Seaweed Brain!"

I shrugged. "Doesn't mean I'm not nervous, Wise Girl," I pointed out.

"Just remember that I know you're amazing, Percy. I don't care if you carry the entire team, or if you drag everyone behind. You're one of the bests there are."

I smiled at her, a slight blush coating my cheeks. I almost hated when she told me things like that, because of the reaction I gave. Almost.

We were almost at the parlor, maybe two minutes away, when Annabeth cursed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I didn't bring my wallet to school today. I left it on the counter this morning. I was so annoyed at my brothers I totally forgot."

"Don't worry about it. I'll pay."

"You sure, Perce?"

"Of course. I know you'd do the same."

She smiled at me, making it even more worth while. I knew money at home was tight, with my mom being an up-and-coming author, and Paul a teacher, but I thought they would both understand. They knew how long Annabeth and I had been friends, and would probably be proud to see me offer to pay for some meals. Besides, it would only be an extra ten bucks at most.

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