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After eating and celebrating the custody success, Elianna makes her way home with Brayden, arriving to the apartment and taking Brayden up the stairs and into the apartment.

*** Elianna's POV***

"Hey!" Aileen exclaims. "How'd everything go?!"

I hold up a finger before placing Brayden in the living room before walking back. "It went so good. Justin got full custody. Isabelle gets visitation one weekend a month after three months of randomized drug testing."

She gasps. "Hell yes. Do you think she'll pass it?"

I make a face before rolling my eyes. "Hell no. She just relapsed recently. There's no way in hell she'll make it three whole months."

"Damn. I mean yay for Justin and you but damn for her. It would make me feel bad if she didn't bring it on herself and wasn't a total bitch."

"She may have brought it on herself, but it's an addiction. I get it, I just don't get why she started in the first place." I sigh. "It doesn't seem like anything was wrong."

She nods. "Yeah, I get that."

"So, as I'm sure you already know considering we've talked about it, now that the custody thing is over," I start.

"You and Brayden will be moving back in with Justin. Yes. Which is completely fine considering Aiden and I had talked when you first agreed to move in with me for the time being and decided that when you leave, he's going to move in. Therefore, I can go ahead and tell him to get packing." she grins. "When are you planning on going back?"

"Well, it's Wednesday, it'll take all day tomorrow to pack everything up and then Justin can take the kids out Friday and we can move everything back over." I shrug.

She nods. "Works for me. Aiden will move in Saturday."

"Awesome. Thank you for doing this with me. Living with me until this whole thing was over." I smile.

"Of course. You know I'm always here."

I grin, giving her a hug. "Alright, alright, It's time for Brayden to go to sleep!" I exclaim.

She laughs and I grab Brayden, telling him to say goodnight to Aileen which he replies with 'night night'. I then take him to his room, knowing he's not messy enough for a bath and I'm too exhausted to give him one.

Once he's down, I leave the room, going to my room and spending some time doing nothing before laying down and falling asleep almost immediately.

The next day, Justin comes over first thing in the morning to grab Brayden and goes back to the house while AIleen and I clean up from breakfast and immediately start packing things into boxes.

To be honest, there's not a whole lot considering I knew we wouldn't be living here for too long.

By the time four came around, everything was packed and ready to move. So ready, in fact that we could have moved back tonight. Instead, Justin and I decided to keep Brayden there for the night so Aileen and I could have one last night just the two of us in our apartment. This is the last night we have an apartment together after all.

"I can't believe this is literally the last night that we'll be sharing this apartment." Aileen says, walking in with a big bowl of popcorn and plopping down on the couch next to me.

"I know." I whine, leaning on her and grabbing a handful of popcorn.

She laughs. "Alright, let's get this movie started. It might be the last night but we'll still get tired as fuck."

I laugh, picking up the remote and making The Notebook begin playing on the tv in front of us.

After two hours of crying, laughing and simply enjoying our time together, the end credits roll and we turn off the tv.

"Ugh, alright. Time for bed." Aileen says.

I nod. "Yes, yes it is."

"Considering it's almost midnight, I agree on a spiritual level." I tell her, laughing lightly.

We both go to our rooms and I find myself brushing my teeth and climbing into bed to hear a knock on my door.

"Yes?" I ask, laughing lightly.

"Can I sleep in here with you tonight for our last night living together?" Aileen asks, pouting while peeping her head into the room.

I nod. "Yes, now come here."

She smiles, closing the door and running over before jumping in bed next to me.

"Goodnight." she says after I turn the lights off.

"Goodnight Ail. I love you." I tell her, grabbing her hand.

"I love you too." she mumbles.

My eyelids become heavy and we fall asleep, hand holding and all.


So this is a REALLY short chapter, I'm sorry!

It's seriously a filler chapter and things will pick up again in the next few chapters.

thank you all so much for reading this shitty ass chapter.

I love youuuuu


Road to Mrs. Bieber | Book 2 of 3 | A Justin Bieber Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now