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*** No One's POV - Private Room ***

As Kameron walks into the room, Judge Parson sits on one side of a table as Kameron sits across from her.

"Hi sweetie, my name's Linda, what's yours?" she asks, smiling over at him.

"I'm Kameron." he says, smiling.

"Well, hello Kameron. I have a couple questions for you. Is it alright if I ask them?"

He nods. "Okay."

"Who do you live with, Kameron?"

"I live with my daddy and mama lee and sometimes my mommy."

"Your mommy?

He nods. "Yeah! My daddy's girlfriend."

"You call her mommy?"

He nods again. "Yeah because she um she is one."

"Because she has a little boy, right?"

"No, because she takes care of me and Elena and loves us." he says, playing with his shirt.

"So she's like a mommy to you?" she asks.

He nods sillily. "Yeah! Because my mommy left me."

Her eyebrows instantly raise. "Your mommy left you?"

"Yeah, she left me and daddy and Elena." he tells her.


"Because she didn't want us." he frowns.

"But she came back, right?"

He shrugs. "I guess."

"Do you ever see your mommy?"

He shakes his head. "No but that's okay."

"It is?"

He nods. "Yeah, I don't want my mommy."

"You don't?"

He shakes his head. "I want daddy and Elianna."


"Because they love me."

"How do you now?" she asks.

"Because they take care of me and buy me toys and play with me." he says.

"Does daddy work a lot?"

He nods. "Yeah but he always comes home."

"Does he spend a lot of time with you?"

"Yeah! We always watch movies and play and he gives me baths and eats with me." he lists, giggling.

"That's good! You guys have a lot of fun together it seems like." she smiles.

"Yeah!" he says in a funny voice.

"Does daddy or Elianna ever hurt you?"

"They hurt my feelings sometimes when they yell at me."

"They yell at you?"

"Sometimes when when I'm bad." he tells her.

"Oh okay. Do they ever hurt you in other ways?"

He shakes his head. "No."

"They don't hit you or anything?"

He shakes his head again. "Nope!"

"That's good." she smiles. "I can tell you love your daddy and his girlfriend a lot."

"Yeah my daddy and mommy are the best!" he says, smiling. "And mama lee too!"

Road to Mrs. Bieber | Book 2 of 3 | A Justin Bieber Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now