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Entering the room with his lawyer, Justin sits on the opposite side of the table from Lily and her lawyer, finding her to be glaring at him as he does so.

"Alright, so thank you both for coming in today. We always try to do this if possible to make it a bit easier on not only you but the children. I remind you, we're here to figure out what is going to be best for the children both in the short term and long term. Are there any questions?"

The both of them shake their heads, paying attention to who they need to at the head of the table.

"Alright, well, let's start out with discussing what exactly you both are hoping to get out of this. Lily,  would you like to start?"

She nods, letting out a small breath. "I just want my kids. I haven't seen them in two years and I really think it's time that I have my kids back."

The head of the conversation, Daniel, nods. "Alright, Justin?"

"In all honesty, my hope is to keep things the way they are. They're the way they are for a reason and I believe I've done everything in my power to protect my children from their mother."

"Protect them? I'm their mother!" Lily exclaims.

Daniel clears his throat. "Alright, alright. Justin, what's your um, what does your weekly schedule look like?"

Justin licks his lips. "Well I go to work four out of five days a week in the office in downtown Stratford. The kids are usually awake before I'm gone so I'll eat breakfast with them every morning. Then I go to the office, I'm there from about 8am to about 5 sometimes 5:30pm at which point I go home, eat and spend time with the kids. I then put them to bed and go to bed myself and start all over the next day. Friday's I work from home majority of the time at which point I spend more time with my kids because I have breaks between phone calls and paperwork. I don't have as much to do on Friday's so it makes it a lot easier. Then on weekends it's family time unless I've got something really big going on at work in which case I'll work maybe a couple hours during the day." Justin shrugs.

Daniel nods. "Alright, alright. Lily, what about you?"

"I'm actually not working right now." she says, sighing. "So, most of the time I'm spending my time filling out applications and such."

He nods. "So, you're currently not employed?"

She shakes her head. "No I am not."

Daniel licks his lips, nodding once again. "Alright. Where are you currently living, Lily?"

"I currently live with my boyfriend right outside of Toronto." she informs him.

"Wait, right outside of Toronto?" Justin butts in. "Then it doesn't make sense for the kids to be with her especially during the week."

"And why is that?" she asks, looking offended.

"Kameron's already been accepted into a school only ten minutes between my home and work. And Elena's already on the waiting list for when she's the right age." Justin informs him.

Daniel nods, making note of that information.

"Kameron can be accepted into any school in my town as well. And so can Elena." Lily fights.

"Yes, but the children have already been accepted." Daniel informs her. "That means something."

She gulps.

Road to Mrs. Bieber | Book 2 of 3 | A Justin Bieber Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now