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"Alright guys, let's go. Mommy's waiting for you." I tell the kids.

"Why won't you be there, daddy?" Kameron asks, looking up at me with a backpack on his back.

"Because mommy and daddy aren't living together right now. So daddy decided you could stay alone with mommy for the weekend. And then next weekend, Brayden will come over here and spend the weekend with us!" I explain, ruffling his hair. "Go out to the car buddy. Me and Elena are on our way out."

He nods, running towards the garage door.

"Come on baby." I tell Elena, picking her up with one arm and grabbing her bag with my other.

After getting both kids into the car and starting towards Elianna's, Kameron speaks up yet again.

"Daddy, I wish mommy still lived with us." he says.

I chuckle. "Me too buddy, but mommy Elianna is staying with her friend until daddy and mommy get some stuff figured out."

"She can't take us!" he screams.

I sigh. "I promise I won't let mommy take you away from me and mommy Elianna."

"I don't like that." he says after a moment.

"What?" I ask, my brows furrowed.

"Mommy Elianna. I wish you'd just call her mommy."

I laugh lightly. "Well, I've gotta tell you the difference between her and your other mommy."

Kameron makes a face as I glance back. "I don't like other mommy."

"Why not?" I ask. "She loves you. You lived in her tummy and she helped you grow."

"Because she left." he says. "I haven't seen her in so long and now she's back."

I clear my throat. "I know buddy. But, she still loves you."

He crosses his arms over his chest, huffing out a breath.

I roll my eyes at his stubborn behavior, inwardly grateful Elianna is taking him for the weekend. He's been a brat the past few days.

Parking the car a few moments later, I get both the kids out and notice Kameron looking up at the building.

"I don't wanna stay here!" he complains.

"Why not? Mommy Elianna is here." I tell him, grabbing their bags.

"I want her to come home!" he says, stomping his foot.

"Uh uh." I start, shaking my head. "None of that shit. You know the rules."

He gives me a mean look, obviously not happy.

"Let's go. You're staying here with your sister and Brayden. Mommy Elianna and Brayden really miss you." I tell him, gesturing for him to walk forward.

He groans. "Then mommy and Brayden should come home."

I roll my eyes again, leading both of them up to Elianna's floor and knocking on the door.

*** Elianna's POV ***

I gasp lightly, looking over to the door and smiling wide as I hurry over to it, swinging it open. "Hey guys!"

"Mama!" Elena squeals, reaching up.

"Hi baby." I tell her, picking her up and kissing her cheek before putting her back down. "Go see Brayden."

She nods, running off.

Kameron sighs, trying to walk past me when Justin grabs his shirt, pulling him back.

Road to Mrs. Bieber | Book 2 of 3 | A Justin Bieber Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now