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"You get to stay at daddy's this weekend baby!" I exclaim to Brayden, smiling widely. "He's so excited to get to spend time with you!"

Brayden bounces, excitement, giggling wildly.

"Are you excited to go see daddy?!" I ask, grinning.

He bounces again.

Giggling at him, I leave the room, entering his bedroom and packing him the essentials the he only has here. Once that's done, I go to the living room and look at the clock.


Sighing, I lick my lips and pick Brayden up. "Let's take you to daddy's baby."

Picking my keys up off the counter, I make sure to lock the apartment up before leaving and arriving to Justin's. I grab Brayden's small bag and place him on my hip before going into the house through the garage.

"Hello!" I call out, licking my lips afterwards.



I smile at the little voices, the sound of tiny feet slamming against the floor as they run.

I enter the living room, immediately feeling their arms wrap around my legs. "Hi guys!"

"Hey baby."

I look up, Justin coming from the kitchen wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a tee. "Hey babe."

He leans over the kids, kissing me before grabbing Brayden. "Hey buddy!"

"Here's his bag. I know he didn't need much but this is the stuff he doesn't have here." I inform him, handing over the bag.

He nods. "Alright."

"I need to head home, make dinner for Aileen and I. Plus, I wanna give you as much time with him as possible." I tell him, tickling Brayden a little.

Justin chuckles. "Alright. I'll drop him off Sunday after my plans. We'll be out anyway so there's no need for you to ride all the way over here."

I nod. "Okay."

Kissing Justin and pecking the kids heads, I say bye and head back outside, jumping in the car and making it home soon enough.

Girl weekend... finally.

*** with Justin ***

"Alright, guys." I say, clapping my hands together and entering the living room where the kids play. "What do you guys want for dinner?"

"Pizza!" Kameron says, jumping up.

I lick my lips. "Something other than pizza."

"Busketti!" Kameron yells after a moment.

"Now that I can do." I chuckle, ruffling his hair and heading to the kitchen.

Soon enough, Mama Lee enters the kitchen with a small bag, grinning over at me.

"Where are you off to?" I ask playfully, sending her a wink.

She smiles. I figured while I have weekends off, I can use them to spend time with my goddaughter."

I nod. "Good. I think that's a great idea. Especially with everything going on lately."

She grins, coming over and kissing my cheeks. "I'm proud of you for taking care of them like this."

"Thanks." I grin. "They deserve it and I missed it."

After a small conversation, Mama Lee leaves and I finish the spaghetti with no problems... considering it's probably one of the easier things to make. I put portions on two plates for Kameron and Elena before cutting the food into smaller bits for Brayden.

"Alright kids! Dinner!" I shout out, making both Elena and Kameron run over and start eating immediately.

"Come on bud." I tell Brayden, picking him up and placing him in his high chair where he starts to eat as well, only with his hands.

After dinner, I give all three of the kids baths and put Brayden down immediately, his screaming indicating that he was already tired. Taking the other two downstairs, I put a movie in and watch it with them before going to sleep.


After waking up constantly with Brayden throughout the night. I find myself struggling to get out of bed and downstairs when all three kids are awake. Instead of making them breakfast, I give them cereal, Brayden's dry of course, and pour myself a big cup of coffee. Once they're done, I allow them to go to the living room and play while I grab my laptop, doing just a bit of work before jogging up the stairs, Brayden on my hip and the other kids following.

I get the three of them dressed before dressing myself in a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. I then grab the keys, put them in the car and drive the four of us to the park, letting Elena and Kameron run around while I push Brayden on the swings and help him down the slide.

After playing for an hour or so, I get them back in the car, taking them for lunch when my phone vibrates against the restaurant table. Elianna.

How are the kids babe?

I grin. What she means is, 'how are you doing with the three of them by yourself babe?'. Knowing that's what she means, I text back differently.

They're good. How's your girl weekend?

A text comes through within a moment.

Much needed. Dropping Brayden off tomorrow at 6 right?

I lick my lips, answering.

Yes baby.

We finish our conversation, telling each other we love one another and going our separate ways.

"Daddy? When is mommy moving back in?" Kameron asks, chewing with his mouth open again.

"No chewing with your mouth open." I lightly scold him.

"Sorry." he replies after gulping down the food.

"Mommy will be moving back in the next couple months. But for now, we're just gonna have to deal without her at home." I tell him.

He sighs and nods. "Okay."

"Do you like her new apartment?" I ask him, gulping my bite of food.

He nods. "Yeah. But Elena and me have to sleep with mommy."

"You don't want to?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

He shrugs. "I don't care."

I chuckle. "Alright little man."

For the rest of the day, I take the kids home, play with them and give them baths, watching a movie with the three of them and putting them to bed. The following day, I take them to my parents for a while, knowing they wanted to see Brayden since it's been a while. We stay for the day and they keep Elena and Kameron while I put Brayden in the car and drive to Elianna's, carrying him upstairs as well as the bag she packed for him.

"Hey baby!" she squeals, picking him up and kissing his cheek multiple times before setting him in the living room. "Was he okay?"

I nod. "Yeah. He's teething though. Kept me up both nights."

She nods. "Yeah. He's been doing that to me too. He had fun though. I can tell."

I chuckle. "I hope so. Well, I left Elena and Kam at my parents while I dropped him off so I gotta go. But I'll be at the office tomorrow so."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too." I tell her, giving her a quick kiss and jogging downstairs.

First weekend? Success.


hey guys!

I'm so sorry I didn't have a chapter ready for last week but I already have one ready for this coming week so don't worry!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! don't forget to comment and vote to let me know what you think!

much love,


Road to Mrs. Bieber | Book 2 of 3 | A Justin Bieber Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now