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***Elianna's POV***

"Justin's not dropping off the kids this week?" Aileen asks, furrowing her eyebrows after I asked if she'd watch Brayden while I picked Kameron and Elena up.

I shake my head, grabbing the keys. "No. He starts court this coming week so he's freaking out and is at the office to try and focus on something else." I inform her, shrugging. "Do you want me to take him?"

She shakes her head. "No, no. I'll watch him. Go ahead."

"Thanks." I grin. "I told mama lee I'd be there by five so she can go to her goddaughters for the weekend like normal."

"Aw, that's sweet." she giggles.

"I know right." I laugh lightly, grabbing my keys and kissing Brayden's forehead. "Mommy be right back baby. With your brother and sister!"

"Say yay!" Aileen tells him, walking in from the kitchen.

"Yay!" Brayden cheers, clapping as Aileen leads him to.

I giggle at the cuteness overload, forcing myself out the door and downstairs. Getting into my car, I start driving towards the house, excited to see the kids.

I have to admit, I do understand why Justin's freaking out. I know that a lot of times, the court favors the mother simply because she's the mother. He has reason to freak out and distance himself. I wish he wouldn't but we don't always get what we wish for and I understand work is his coping mechanism. I honestly don't know what I'd do if she received custody of the kids. Justin deserves them. He's raised them, taught them right for wrong and brought them to be the most amazing little people I know. Not only would he be heartbroken but so would I. I don't see these children as any less than my own. I've been around for almost a year now. We've created a bond and I can't imagine having to give that up. I love these kids. I love Justin. I want us all to be together. I just hope she doesn't get her way and tear everything apart.

Pulling into the driveway, I hop out of the car, leaving it running as I jog up to the front door and walk inside.

"Mommy!" Kameron screams, running over.

"Hey buddy." I smile, bending down to hug him. "I missed you."

"I missed you too mommy."

I grin. "Where's Elena?"

"Mama!" Elena squeals, causing my head to snap up and notice Mama Lee carrying her over along with both of their bags.

"Thank you." I smile, taking the bags as she puts Elena down.

"Everything they need is in there." Mama Lee smiles.

"Awesome." I grin before looking down at the kids. "Here, take your bags."

They do as I say, grabbing their own bags.

"Okay, let's go out to the car! Brayden's at home waiting for you!"

"Yay!" they both cheer, running out to the car as I open the door for them.

"See ya Sunday, mama lee." I grin back at her, acknowledging her 'bye' before going to the car and helping both kids into their car seats.

Once arriving back to the apartment, I make the kids carry their own bags up the stairs and unlock the door.

"You guys know the drill. Your bags go in mommy's room and then you can go into the living room and play with Brayden until dinner. Got it?"

"Got it!" they both say, nodding.

"Alright." I tell them, opening the front door and letting them walk in.

Road to Mrs. Bieber | Book 2 of 3 | A Justin Bieber Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now