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"Happy birthday baby!" I squeal, opening the door to his bedroom to see him sitting in his crib smiling up at me. "Hi baby."

Picking him up, I place him on the changing table, changing his diaper while cooing to him. "Are you ready for your birthday party?"

He smiles up at me, squealing a little in excitement.

"Me too." I say, laughing lightly. "Come on, let's go get some breakfast!"

Taking him out to the kitchen, I place him the high chair, grinning to myself and giving him some cheerios. He immediately reaches for them, starting to chew at them with the couple teeth he has already. I then chop a few strawberries and a banana into smaller pieces and give him those as well.

While he eats, I turn on Mickey and cook myself and Aileen some eggs, bacon and pancakes, placing them on the table just as she walks out from the hallway.

"Hi birthday boy!" she exclaims to Brayden, making him smile and kick in his chair at her. Passing him, she ruffles his hair, kissing the top of his head. "You cooked!"

I nod. "Yeah, I figured today was a day of celebration which means a whole lot of damn food. Because not only have I lived for a year through this but I've also kept a child alive for one!"

Aileen laughs, grabbing a plate and sitting opposite of me. We both serve ourselves and eat, stopping just as Brayden starts wiggling to get out.

I let him out, dusting him off and allowing him to crawl into the living room where he begins to play with toys that lay on the back wall.

I shake my head, cleaning up his mess while Aileen cleans the kitchen.

"So what time is Brayden's party again?"

"One. But you should get there a bit early since you have some of the things that we need like oh I don't know... some of the food.." I grin at her.

She nods, laughing lightly. "Of course. I'll be there around twelve. But it's almost ten now so if you want Brayden and Justin to have a few dad son moments before the party you may wanna get him ready and head over now." she grins.

I nod. "That's a good idea." I start, walking away from the kitchen and into the living room, picking him up and taking him to his room. "Come on little man."

I undress him before putting on his matching birthday tee shirt and shorts to go with the mickey theme of the day.

"Okay, we're leaving." I grin, grabbing my purse and placing Brayden on my hip.

I say goodbye to Aileen and take Brayden downstairs and to the car where I buckle him into his carseat and climb into the driver's seat. Starting the car, I drive towards home, soon parking in the driveway, soon I get out of the car and pick Brayden out of the back. Before I can make it to the front door, it swings open and Justin smiles widely to us.

"Hey babe." I grin.

"Hey baby." he says, kissing my cheek before taking Brayden from my arms. "Hi birthday boy!"

Justin carries him inside while I turn back to the car, grabbing a bag I had left overnight in the trunk. I then make my way inside, watching as Justin plays with Brayden in the living room as I make my way to the backyard, looking around at the decorations that had already been put up. A giant arch of balloons shape the doorway to the backyard as all the food will stay inside. There are tables scattered across the yard with red and black table cloths. Each table has a styrofoam mickey coming out of a garden pot as a centerpiece. Balloons and streamers fly from invisible wire above the yard and a bouncy house along with other kid friendly activities are scattered in the back part of the yard where no adults can get hurt.

Road to Mrs. Bieber | Book 2 of 3 | A Justin Bieber Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now