Chapter 35 - Bullet

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"Ah fuck" she hisses in pain and I stop and look up at her

"You ok? Need me to stop?" I ask but she shakes her head

"Please god no don't stop." She begs as I resume my position with my head between her thighs. It's been a couple of weeks since we wiped out The Coyotes and her back is healing nicely but I still can't lie her down and fuck her because the friction in the sheets hurts, so I made her sit on the edge of the bed so I could make her feel good, twice apparently.

"Oh Rowan, fuck." She moans as my tongue and my fingers drive her to the edge, one hand on the bed and her other hand gripping my hair, I know she's close as her grip in my hair tightens and her thighs begin to shake around me. When her orgasm hits she calls out my name as her body shudders and she falls back on the bed

"Ah shit" she says as I help her sit back up

"This back needs to hurry up and heal, although the pleasure and pain element is kinda good." She says blushing and I laugh as I climb on the bed next to her

"I love you." She says as she climbs on top of me and begins kissing me slowly

"I love you too." I reply as she kisses my neck, she lifts herself up and sighs as I fill her completely, she begins to move her hips and I gently place my hands on them, I didn't want to be too hard because yesterday I was so busy fucking her I forgot and gripped her back. I sat up as she rode me and took her nipple in my mouth, she gasped and threw her head back, her speed increasing as we became desperate for release. Her nails began to dig into my shoulders and I cupped her ass to help her move as her walls clenched around me and she screamed my name through her orgasm, after a couple more thrusts I released inside of her and lay back on the bed with her on top of me.

"I will never get enough of that." Indigo giggled, her face buried in my neck

"Marry me." I said, almost surprising myself that I had picked now, all sweaty and still inside of her to propose, wasn't exactly romantic but it is what I want. She's my old lady and as soon as she's healed she'll have my tattoo on her skin, her property vest is in the closet for when I finally let her put clothes on. I want her to be my wife too, have my kids and stay by my side for the rest of our lives. I look down realising I didn't hear if she answered and if I was shocked she looked like I'd just told her Santa wasn't real.

"You... I?" She stuttered as she sat up on me, she realised I was still inside her and slowly climbed off of me, minding her back. She knelt beside me and just looked down at the bed, I thought she would want it to, but maybe I was wrong

"Indigo, I love you, you're my old lady and I want you to be my wife too." I said lifting her chin until our eyes met, she lifted her hand and rested it on the key around her neck

"You have a key." She replied and my brows furrowed, is that a yes? No? What?

"I have a key and you have a key." I replied sitting up

"But I.... me." She says before jumping off the bed and running for the bathroom, I heard the lock click and realised this wasn't good.

"Indigo open the door, can't we just talk this out? Tell me what you're thinking. I won't get mad, just tell me what's going on in that head of yours." I said through the bathroom door before I grabbed my sweats off the floor realising this probably wasn't the best conversation to have naked.

She didn't respond or say anything and I couldn't hear any movement or water running

"Indigo, tell me that you're ok in there or I'm breaking the door down." I shout through the door, but then there's a knock on the bedroom door and I move to open it

"Now's not a good time Cordelia.." I started as she pushed passed me into the room

"Indigo it's Cece, let me in." She said ignoring me completely. I watch the door open and catch sight of Indigo wearing the robe that hangs on the bathroom door.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask confused as Cordelia shuts the bathroom door in my face. After what seemed like hours but was probably only 30 minutes Cordelia came out and smiled at me

"You fucking idiot." She smirked as she walked passed me and headed for the door

"Give the girl a minute to get dressed and come with me." She said, a smug grin plastered on her face. I grabbed a shirt and followed Cordelia into the hall

"So you thought you would propose right after sex huh? You old romantic you." She giggled and I groaned, thank fuck I know she won't share this with the guys or my ass would be roasted for weeks.

"Ok maybe I didn't mean to, but I still mean it, why is she freaking out so bad?" I ask pulling my shirt over my head

"Because being your old lady is one thing but being a wife, she thinks she's too crazy to be a good wife to you, how can she be a blushing bride when she hasn't left your room in two weeks and then her anxiety just went into overdrive so I changed the subject to calm her down." Cordelia said placing her hand on my arm

"I need to talk to her don't I?" I sighed, I love her and I want her to be my wife, why doesn't she want to be my wife just as much? I know she loves me.

"Maybe you aren't a complete idiot." She smirks before heading off down the stairs

"Hey, how did you know what was going on?" I called after her and she stopped

"She text me from the bathroom." She turns and smirks before continuing off. I head back into the room and find Indigo holding her property vest.

"We need to talk about a few things." I said as I sat on the bed and patted it for her to sit next to me. She hesitated for a minute before she moved to sit beside me, resting the vest on her lap.

MC's Indigo (Broken Demons MC #2)Where stories live. Discover now