Chapter 32 - Indigo

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I wake up and immediately feel pain in my shoulders, not from the gunshot wound in my left shoulder, this is different. I try to open my eyes but the pain in my head throbs, I feel like my skull is splitting.

"Well look who finally decided to join the fun" I look up and through blurred vision and see the Coyote standing before me, but I'm above him. I blink a few times to try and clear my vision and as I look around I realise why my shoulders hurt, I'm chained to a car lift, my feet not touching the floor.

"Don't worry, we'll get you down once the boss arrives." He winks at me before turning away and making a call on his cell phone. I'm guessing boss is Duke, my cousin killed his brother so he's going to kill me. The more I wake the more pain I feel, not just my shoulders and my head, but my whole body is hurting in some way, what did they do to me while I was out? I'm still fully clothed, I even have my boots on still, the only thing missing is my gun, sure would like to put Rowans training to use on these assholes right about now.

"Duke is on his way." He smirks as he stands in front of me again. He steps closer until his body is against mine and I flinch

"Now now pretty girl, maybe I want some fun before my VP gets his." He says as his nose runs along my neck, I can't do anything to get away from him, hanging in the air by these stupid chains. I know he will come, I know Rowan will find me I just have to think like Cordelia, be tough and hold out as long as I can. Cordelia told me what she did when the bad men took her, she fought, I need to do that too.

I feel the mans hands run up my sides and I shiver but I lift my leg and slam my knee into his groin. He groans loudly and falls back a few steps bending over

"You little bitch." He grunts as he comes at me again and slams his fist into my stomach, my shoulders pull as I swing on the chains holding me in the air but I can't cry out because the air has left my lungs from his painful blow. I gasp for air as he comes at me again, his fists repeatedly hammering my body, tears fall down my cheeks as I cry out in pain, finally finding my voice

"Enough" a deep voice growls from behind the man beating me, he steps out of the shadows and I see Duke standing there, Rowan better find me soon, I know whatever Duke has planned for me will be worse than what this man is doing to me

"Did I tell you to touch her? I told you to call me when she woke up, nothing else." He says glaring at the man in front of me

"Sorry Duke but she pissed me off, little bitch." He spits looking to Duke and then back to me. The man scurries away as Duke steps up to stand before me. I look down as the ground but he grips my chin painfully and forces me to look at him

"Have you been playing with my men? Naughty whore, maybe you need some punishment" he smirks before the man who beat me and another step up and unhook the chains from the car lift. My body hits the ground with a thud and I roll onto my side groaning in pain. Duke removes the chains from my wrists before lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder

"Let's go somewhere a little more private for your punishment huh?" He says before smacking my ass painfully hard. I try my best to fight him, kicking the front of him and punching his back, I even manage to elbow him in the back of the head a few times. Nothing stops him though as he carries me down a dark hallway and then up a metal staircase. He stops and I hear a door open before he roughly throws me down, I look around and realise I'm on a bed

"No! Please! Let me go" I scream as he shuts the door and stalks over to me.

"Keep doing that, I like it when you beg." He says as he climbs on top of me, there is no fucking way this is happening. He has to be coming for me, I just need to bide my time

"If I don't kill you Bullet will." I say hitting out at him

"I'd love to see you try" he laughs as he grabs my wrist and pins them down above me but that's when I hear it. Gunfire. I knew he would come, he's here I just need to hang on a few more minutes

"Fuck, looks like I don't have as much time with you as I hoped." He says as I hear him opening his belt. He pulls the belt from his jeans with one hand and then turns me over so I'm face down on the bed. Please let Rowan find me soon, I'm trying my best to be like Cordelia but clearly I can't fight like she does. He straddles me pinning me to the bed and I try to kick up at him but it doesn't work. I try to sit up but he just shoves my face down into the bed hard.

A scream is ripped from my throat when the leather from his belt cracks against the bare flesh of my back as tears stream down my face. I just need to hold on, he's coming for me

"Now now whore, can't have your screams attracting attention and ending my fun now can we?" He says as he ties something around my mouth to muffle my cries. He continues to slam his belt against my back, each one met with a crack, my screams are muffled but I can't hold them back. The gunshots seem to be getting closer and I just hope Rowan is close because it's taking everything I have not to pass out from the pain, it's nothing like I've felt before. Sure enough after only two more hits with the belt I see the familiar black spots clouding my vision as I slip out of consciousness.

A/N: hi! Sorry this update has taken so long but pregnancy is officially kicking my ass this week and with 12 hour nights on top I've just been sleeping when not at work. I feel better now so hopefully the updates will keep coming xx

MC's Indigo (Broken Demons MC #2)Where stories live. Discover now