Chapter 4 - Indigo

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I don't like the outside world, it's too dangerous. I never left my house, not in three years. It was safe, I was safe. Then Knuckles, stupid name by the way, made me get in a car with him all the way from Montana to North Carolina, at least he didn't make me fly, he thinks I'm bad in a car imagine what I'm like in a tube with wings locked in with all those strangers with no air. It was much better when he decided to sedate me. I need to try and get those meds off him. I didn't think about actually being here, having to walk into this strange building, when I met Bullet, another stupid name, that was fine, just him, something about him called out to me, I felt I could trust him, like he understood me more than Knuckles.

I'm sat in some strange bed, in a strange place and I don't know what to do, I have no routine. The only thing keeping me calm is this dog, Max. He belongs to that bossy lady who knew what I needed right away. This dog seems to understand because he's stayed by me and let me hold his fur. I don't like people but I like animals, I wanted a dog for years but my dad would never let me have one, but I like this one.

I check the clock and it's 4am, I never sleep well, I need some air from this strange place. I climb out of bed and grab my hoodie to cover my pjs, hopefully everyone else is asleep. I take the key for the door from around my neck and open the door, Max moves off the bed to follow me and I make my way downstairs. I open the door and take a deep breath inhaling the cool air. It's warmer here than in Montana and I hate heat, I think I'll be living under the air conditioner. I pull my cigarettes out of my pocket and light up, I sit down in one of the lawn chairs and feel myself relax a little, until the door opens

"Sorry thought I was the only one up." I turn and see Bullet stood in the doorway

"It's fine" I reply pointing to the empty chair next to me. He lights a cigarette before sitting down next to me

"Can't sleep huh?" He asks

"I never sleep well at night, always sleep better in the day." I reply, I still feel comfortable even with a stranger sitting next to me.

"I know that feeling, I only sleep at night if I pass out drinking" he says with a forced laugh and I smile, he seems like me under the surface, he's just good at hiding it. We sit in comfortable silence for a while

"Knuckles spoke to Killer, they're going to start building your place soon so you won't have to stay here much longer." He says looking into my eyes, I move and look at the floor, that felt, something I haven't felt before.

"Yeah, nothing against you, it's just I'm too crazy to be around others." I reply

"You don't seem crazy to me." He says as he reaches out and touches my thigh. I flinch, it's instinct to. I jump up and step back

"I'm so sorry Indigo, I didn't mean to do that, I won't do it again." He says holding his hands up, Max comes to sit at my side, he must read how I feel

"It's ok, like I said, I'm crazy." I reply before heading to the door, I open it before looking back to Bullet

"Same time tomorrow night?" I ask trying to smile, he smiles and nods back. I head back up to the room I'm staying in and lock the door behind me. I climb back into bed and turn on the TV, I can't sleep without background noise or the voices in my head take over. I lie down and Max jumps up on the bed next to me, finally I feel myself drift off to sleep.

I wake up to banging on the door

"Why does she have the only key? I'm going to break this fucking door down" I hear my lovely cousin shout from the other side of the door. I get out of bed and open the door

"I was asleep asshole, what the fuck do you want?" I ask stepping back into the room

"I gotta go on a job, so I need to give you your meds before I go." He replies handing me three pills, I take them and he checks I've taken them, I used to hide them but I'm trying to stick with it and see if it works for now.

"You're leaving? But I don't know what to do, what do I do?" I ask feeling the panic rise in me, I need to know what to do.

"This is Cordelia's number, if you need anything call her. She told me to ask you if you would walk Max, just take him on the land at the back and let him run around." He says heading out of the room

"I'll be back later, you have my number and you have Cordelia's, you'll be fine." He says before he disappears. At least I know what to do for now, walk Max. I head to the bathroom and take a quick shower, I dress in my shorts and a tank top, grab my converse and take Max downstairs.

MC's Indigo (Broken Demons MC #2)Where stories live. Discover now