Chapter 3 - Bullet

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The last two weeks have been good. I forgot how much fun the gun runs can be. Since The Sons of Satan fell off the face of the earth the law has been wondering where they went and if we had anything to do with it. On the run last night the truck got followed and the police tried to stop us, we damn near crashed getting away from them until Ice distracted them on his motorcycle but man it was awesome, I forgot about the adrenaline rush.

"Knuckles just called, he's almost here, he said he needs a bottle of whiskey waiting for him." Circuit says walking through the garage. Sure enough a few minutes later an SUV pulls in and Knuckles climbs out of the drivers seat

"I need a fucking drink." Knuckles says walking passed me to the bar, I follow and he goes straight for the whiskey

"What's going on man?" I ask grabbing myself a beer

"When I said my cousin has issues, she's fucking crazy. She had a meltdown when we said she couldn't live alone and tried to kill herself, so she either has to live with me or she was going to get put in the hospital. I had to drive her back with all her shit, after an hour on the road I realised she needs to be sedated to travel. On the highway whenever we met a truck she would grab her head in both hands and rock chanting 'truck, really big truck, gonna die'. I tell ya I had no idea she was like this. Last time I saw her was her moms funeral 6 years ago and she seemed like a normal girl then." By the time he's finished filling me in he's drank nearly half the bottle of whiskey

"She's still passed out in the car now, I was going to get Cordelia to take a look at her." He says putting down the whiskey and heading back outside to the SUV. I follow him over and he opens up the back pulling out four large suitcases, Socket the prospect comes over and starts taking the suitcases inside

"I'll set her up in my room until I figure out where I'm going to put her." He says heading round to the passenger door

"I have a name dickhead" I hear a sweet voice say before a head of long black hair leans out of the passenger side

"Sorry Orphan Annie" Knuckles replies as she pushes past him

"Who the fuck is this?" She asks looking up at me. She's so beautiful, her long black hair hiding her soft pale skin and then her dark eyes and pale pink lips.

"Indigo, this is Bullet he is the Vice President of the club, so show respect." Knuckles says

"Nice to meet you Indigo" I say looking down at the small fragile girl. She looks like she doesn't eat, which annoys me.

"What's with the fucking names? Knuckles, Bullet do the rest of these assholes have stupid names?" She says pulling a packet of cigarettes from her hoodie pocket and lighting it

"Shut the fuck up Indigo, I'll take you to my room until I figure out where you can stay long term." Knuckles says pushing her towards the clubhouse

"Wait, no. How many people are in there? What do I do?" Her confident smartass attitude is suddenly gone and she looks like a lost child. Knuckles wraps his arm around her shoulder

"We discussed this remember. I will show you all the club members, I'll take you to meet Cordelia and we go from there." He says as they walk off inside. I grab a box and go to follow, Indigo needs protecting. Why the hell do I feel this way for a girl I just met? It must be because she's my club brothers family and we look after our own.

I head inside and I can hear a commotion coming from the bar

"No I can't do this. I need to go, let me go." Indigo is stood against the wall as tears roll down her cheeks.

"Ok everyone out. NOW." Cordelia roars from beside Indigo and everyone listens and leaves

"You too Knuckles, Bullet, off you go." Cordelia waves to us and we all head outside. After a while Cordelia comes out

"Ok, here's what we're going to do. I've set her up in mine and Killers room upstairs as we never use it anymore, I'm going to get Max to go and keep her company and Knuckles, go and see Killer, you're going to build a guest house on the land and fast, so that she can stay there. Fucking idiot bringing her to a busy clubhouse." Cordelia says, she slaps Knuckles on the back of the head and walks off towards her house. The club owns all the land at the back of the clubhouse and Killer built a house for Cordelia there. Knuckles heads off to find Killer and I head back into the bar.

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