Chapter 19 - Bullet

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She looked happy. As she walked out of Cordelia's house with Socket she looked happy, she wasn't panicking about the people inside or being outside. When I watched her walk off with Socket I couldn't help the anger building inside, but I pushed it down. I see she's better off without me but I still love her.

I spent the night in the bar trying to drown myself in whiskey but it didn't work. All I thought about was the nights when she first got here and we used to sit outside smoking together. I knew I needed to talk to her, stop her from hating me, tell her I still love her, anything. When I walked over to her place there was no sign of Socket and I worried something had happened but when I looked in her bedroom window there she was. Her and Socket asleep in her bed as she curled up against him like she used to with me in that same bed.

I went to the garage and tried to distract myself with concentrating on the engine I'm working on but then Socket came over with a shit eating grin on his face and I couldn't control my anger as it boiled over.

"What are you doing with Indigo?" I growled getting up in his face

"Nothing, it's my club duty to watch over her and she's become a friend." He says stepping back

"Why the fuck were you in her bed last night? Are you fucking her?" I spit poking his chest but he just laughed

"You threw her away like trash, you don't get to have anything to do with her or know who she's fucking." He says pushing me back. I lost it, I plowed my fist into his nose and heard the crack. Before I knew it we were fighting

"Bullet what the fuck are you doing?" I hear her voice from my left and turn to see her pushing through the guys to get to me, but before she could Knuckles picked her up

"Leave them to work it out Indigo." He says as he holds her up

"No, first you hurt me and now you're hurting my friend. Why can't you just leave me alone if that's what you wanted? Fuck you Bullet" she screams fighting against Knuckles

"It's ok Indigo, he just thought we were fucking, but I like my women blonde with fake tits. Kind of like that club whore you've been fucking for the last two weeks Bullet. Cherry isn't it?" Socket spits, that smirk back on his face looking from Indigo to me. I look over to her and see the sadness in her eyes as she stops resisting Knuckles hold on her.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Killer roars as he steps through the guys to me

"Church. Now." He growls as everyone follows him into the clubhouse. We all pile into the meeting room as I wipe the blood from my lip

"Bullet and Socket I'll deal with you after. It's been a month since the Coyotes took Indigo it's time for retaliation. Tonight we're going to destroy their drug supply. All the women will be in the club house tonight with Doc, Socket and the other prospects. Knuckles I don't care if you drag Indigo in here kicking and screaming she's a liability out there alone. The rest of us will drive to their warehouse and Molotov the fuck out of the place. I'm sick of them trying to fuck with us and I'm not going to sit and wait anymore. We've taken down a whole club before I'm not afraid to do it again if they're going to cross us." Killer says looking around the room at his men.

"Are we agreed?" He says, everyone bangs their fist on the table and Killer closes church.

"Bullet, Socket stay behind" He says as everyone leaves.

"I will not stand for brothers fighting. No one has claim over Indigo and there is plenty of pussy hanging around the bar every night for you to choose from. If you have to fight take it to the ring but you better be willing to shake hands after as brothers." Killer says looking between Socket and I

"I'm sorry for pissing you off man but honestly Indigo and I are just friends, she fell asleep last night and when I carried her to bed she was dreaming I was you and wouldn't let me go. We were both fully clothed and nothing happened. But I will say this, if you don't want her you have to be ready for some one to want her and her want them back. You can't fight everyone who shows interest." Socket says before holding his hand out to me. I shake his hand and head outside to light a cigarette.

"You're clearly not handling things well. Talk to me man." Killer says walking up behind me

"I just, I know she's better off without me, she looks happy, but I love her." I say taking a long drag on my cigarette

"You think I didn't doubt bringing Cordelia into this life? Of course I did. Indigo will always be connected by Knuckles whether you are with her or not, so that is nothing to do with you." He says placing his hand on my shoulder

"Come on man. Help me carry all the baby shit over to the clubhouse." Killer says as we walk over to his house. He opens the door and I follow him up to the nursery, I hear Cordelia singing to the baby again as Killer opens the door, I step inside and it's not Cordelia holding the baby it's Indigo. She has her back to us as she sings Jimi Hendrix, holding baby Diesel in her arms bouncing him gently. I'm not going to lie watching her hold that baby and sing to it, I want to see her doing that with our baby, in our home. What the fuck am I thinking?

"Oh, Sorry, Cordelia wanted to take a shower and he started crying." She says handing the baby over to Killer

"Thanks for calming him down, Cordelia loves singing that song to the baby, I just came over to take the stuff to the clubhouse. Everyone is staying there tonight. You included Indigo." Killer says placing the baby in his crib

"I know, Cordelia said I can stay with her, Max and Diesel." She says before walking out the room without even looking at me. I grab a bag of baby stuff from Killer and turn to walk away but he stops me

"Go and fucking talk to her you idiot." He says with a smirk

"You sound just like your old lady." I say before walking out. I find her standing on the wrap around porch smoking a cigarette, I walk up next to her

"Indigo, can we talk." I ask but she doesn't respond

"You have no idea how much I care about you. I just, I thought if you were my old lady you'd be in even more danger and I don't want you to get hurt again." I say placing my hand on hers on the rail

"The beating I took didn't hurt as much as you hurt me. They didn't take me because of you. They kept telling me my cousin killed their brother. It wasn't anything to do with you." She says pulling her hand away.

"I loved you Bullet, I really did, but I can't do this. I know now more than ever I just need to be alone." She finishes her cigarette and walks away back inside. I really have fucked up.

MC's Indigo (Broken Demons MC #2)Where stories live. Discover now