Chapter 34 - Indigo

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I wake up and the first thing that hits me is the pain, my shoulders and the full throb from my face is nothing compared to the pain in my back, from his belt, I remember the pain from every single hit until I blacked out. I try to open my eyes and find myself in complete darkness, I'm still there aren't I? The room he carried me to. I realise my clothes are gone and I'm wearing a mans shirt, is it his? What did Duke do to me while I was out?

I have to get out of here, fuck the pain, I just need to get out and get back to Rowan. I try to move but the pain is excruciating, I press my hand against my mouth to stop a scream escaping. I feel around the bed and realise I'm not alone, he's in bed with me, oh fuck I need to run before he wakes up.

I bite my lip as I slowly slide down the bed until my feet touch the floor and brace myself as the pain travels through my body, but I manage to stand up, I fight to stop my legs giving out as I head towards the door, I feel for the handle and turn it only to find it locked, fuck. I look behind me and see a window, it's going to hurt but it's my only option now, I struggle to walk across the room again without calling out in pain. I flick the latch and lift the window up, having to stop myself from calling out yet again as my back pulls. Suddenly Duke stirs and I hear the bed move. Now is my only chance, I have to get away from him, I try to climb up but the pain is crippling as I try to lift my leg and I end up slipping and falling to the ground with a loud thud. This time I couldn't hold it as I groan in pain

"Beautiful?" Great, I must've taken too many blows to the head because now I'm hearing Rowans voice. I will get back to him. I feel two arms wrap around me and lift me back onto the bed

"Get the fuck away from me, I will kill you." I say firmly as he sits me on the bed and steps back. He chuckles as I hear the light flick on and suddenly
Rowan is in front of me, I gasp loudly

"Rowan?" I question as he kneels down in front of me placing his hands on my knees

"You're safe Beautiful, you're back in my bed where you should be." He replies. I reach up and stroke his cheek with my fingers, he leans forward and presses his lips against mine softly before wrapping his arms around my shoulders. Although I feel pain I lean into his hold and bury my face in his neck

"You saved me?" I ask and I feel him nod against me. I feel my whole body relax against him, he saved me. But then I frown

"I wanted to be like Cordelia but you had to save me again." He smirks and pushes me back to look into my eyes

"You're my woman, I'd be hurt if you didn't need me to charge in all alpha male and save the day." He says puffing out his chest and I giggle

"Let's get you back in bed so you can rest, Cordelia gave me some painkillers for you." He says handing me two pills and a glass of water. I happily take them before he helps me lie on my front in bed, then he climbs in next to me and I curl into his side.

"Does it look bad?" I question and I can tell from the way he hesitates that my back is a mess

"It'll heal, I hate seeing you hurt but you're still beautiful." He says before kissing the top of my head. I suddenly try to sit up and call out in pain

"What are you doing? Rest" Rowan says trying to lower me back down

"My house, my key, it's gone. They burned it." I feel around my neck where the chain with my key used to be. I remember just before they took me I saw my place on fire

"I know, but you can stay in here with me, you're safe here Indigo." He says trying to calm me. While I know he's right a part of my brain is telling me to panic, that stupid little voice that refuses to shut up. I know I'm safe with Rowan and I know the only other people in the building are the club and I know I'm safe with them all. No matter how many times I say it I can't silence the voice and my breathing refuses to slow.

"Indigo calm down, you've stayed here many nights and never panicked, what's different?" He asks stroking my side trying to comfort me

"My key, my safe place." Is all I can say, I hate myself for being like this. I thought with Rowan by my side and with him teaching me to shoot I would be stronger now but clearly I'll always be this anxious mess. Rowan turns away from me and I know it's because he doesn't know what to do with me. I think of running but where do I go? I don't have a safe place anymore.

"I'm sorry I'm like this. I am crazy." I say as I try to reach out to him, pain be damned right now. He turns back to look at me and hands me a key, I take it from him and look at him confused. He threads a leather cord through it and then takes it from me and ties it around my neck

"Until we can figure out somewhere better this is a key to my room, this room. It can be your safe place for now and only you and I will have a key. You can even take my key if you want to, so you are in control of that door." He says as he finishes tying it around my neck and then points to the door.

"You would give me your key to your room?" I ask holding the leather strap around my neck

"I would give you anything as long as it made you happy." He says stroking my cheek. I smile, that stupid voice will be silenced one day and I know Rowan will help drown it out

"You can have a key too." I reply before adding "If I wasn't in so much pain I would gladly show you how grateful I am for this key."

I see his eyes travel down my body before he bites his bottom lip

"As soon as your better Beautiful, that key will be the only thing you wear for several days."

MC's Indigo (Broken Demons MC #2)Where stories live. Discover now