Chapter 22 - Indigo

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That was definitely the scariest thing I have ever done in my entire life. I don't even know which part scared me more, holding Killers artery with my bare hands to keep him alive? The possibility of getting thrown out the back of the truck? Being shot at? Or firing the gun and actually hitting some one? Did I kill him? Oh my god am I a murderer? As terrifying as it all was it's also the most exciting thing I've ever done.

My mind begins to whirl as I strip off my blood soaked shirt and jeans.

"Indigo, are you ok in there?" I open the door to see Bullet standing there, he looks down and so do I

"Oh fuck" I say realising I'm only in my underwear, before hopping over to the bed and covering my body with a sheet

"I uh, I just wanted to see if you were ok. Once the adrenaline wears off I didn't want you to crash out." He says stepping into the room but looking away

"Do you think that man I shot died?" I ask stepping away from the bed in my bedsheet dress

"I don't know Indigo, but I do know if you hadn't shot him he could've killed any of us. You saved us." He says stepping towards me

"I'm so proud of you. Not only for leaving the compound and riding in the truck but you saved me and Killer." He says looking down into my eyes. His scent envelops me and I take a deep breath to calm the heat rising in my body.

"I had to help, I'd do it again." I reply. His hand reaches out and strokes my cheek. I close my eyes and push into his touch, I feel the warmth from his touch and it brings back to memories of him holding me, making me feel safe, but I can't.

"I need to shower" I say snapping my eyes open and walking off into the bathroom. I stood under the water until it turned cold, I love him, I do and I definitely want him, I just don't know if I can trust him. Men only cause hurt, I thought Bullet was different.

I dry myself off and put on the only clean clothes I brought with me, my pyjamas and a hoodie, strap my boot back on my foot and head back down to the bar. I slip behind the safety of the bar next to Socket and begin helping him serve the guys

"Hey Indigo, that was pretty badass and you did it all with that boot" Socket says offering me his fist, I bump his fist and laugh before going back to serving.

"Hey there, I'm sure I've seen you in those little shorts before." I look up and see Ice checking out my legs

"That will be when you rescued me." I smile trying to be polite, Cordelia is right he is sleazy.

"Well if you need me to carry you anywhere you just shout huh?" He says with a wink and I smile before turning away.

I see Cordelia step into the bar and head for Bullet. They talk for a few minutes before she looks over to me

"And you" she shouts as she rushes around the bar to me

"You kept him alive, I owe you fucking big time." She says wrapping me in a bone crushing hug.

"Call us even, for everything you've done for me." I reply returning the hug

"Ok men listen up. Killer will be out of action for a while, so I will be taking the reins. Take tonight and we'll hold church first thing in the morning." Bullet bellows across the bar. I stay behind the bar helping Socket serve the club and it feels ok, it's silly that having that wooden bar between me and them makes me feel so safe but it works. The night begins to wind down and the men start heading up to their rooms

"Indigo, you can take my room I'm going to stay in the infirmary with Killer." Cordelia says coming out of Killers office

"Ok, want me to take Diesel up with me so you can focus on Killer?" I ask moving from behind the bar

"No it's ok, I'm moving his crib into the infirmary so we're all together." She says before heading off. I finish up cleaning the bar with Socket

"If you need me my rooms the second on the left ok? Just knock" Socket says before heading upstairs. I step outside and feel the cool air on my bare legs. I step out from under the porch and look up at the stars

"Like old times huh?" I look down and see Bullet standing in the door lighting two cigarettes, he walks over to me and hands me one, I take it from him and take a long drag. We stand there in silence, what used to be comfortable is now a thick atmosphere. I can't take my eyes from his as we smoke in silence

"I'm sorry I hurt you." Bullet breaks the silence first, I see the sincerity on his face and I step closer to run my fingers over his cheek

"I know" I whisper as my soft skin skims over the stubble on his jaw. He quickly closes the distance between us and presses his lips to mine, one arm wrapping around my waist and pulling my body against his as his other hand tangles in my hair. The taste of whiskey and cigarettes fills my mouth and the scents of leather and oil fill my nose as I gasp. He takes that as his chance and his tongue enters my mouth roughly, I move with him overwhelmed by everything I missed, his taste, his smell, the feel of his rough hands and his soft lips. All to soon he pulls away

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He says looking down at me, my body turning cold from losing his touch. Before I can think I grab his cut with both of my hands and pull him down to me crashing my lips into his. This time I take the lead and bite his bottom lip before invading his mouth with my tongue, his hands slide down my body until he reaches down to my thighs and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and my body is on fire once again from his touch and his taste. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and press my body against his. I feel his excitement through his jeans against my core and I grind against him causing him to groan into my mouth. His grip on me tightens and I feel him begin to walk with me wrapped around him.

MC's Indigo (Broken Demons MC #2)Where stories live. Discover now