Chapter 25 - Bullet

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A/N: MC nurse has had 500k reads and MC Indigo has had 8k. Thank you guys ❤️

"And I never have to put it back on?" She asks hopefully

"Nope, you've healed nicely" Doc replies and she squeals and jumps off the bed, her bare feet on the cold floor

"Well at least you're back on your feet. Have I mentioned I'm fucking sick of being here?" Killer asks

"Only a million fucking times" Doc replies rolling his eyes

"Consider it fucking lucky that you married some one who did a surgical rotation and wasn't afraid to do a surgeons job on nurses training or I'd have gone field surgeon style and just cut the fucking leg off" Doc says walking over to Killer. Indigo runs and jumps up, wrapping her legs around me

"How much lighter do I feel without that fucking boot?" She smiles wiggling her legs behind me.

"Good lord, don't dirty up my infirmary, I'm sure you kids have fucked on every surface in the compound these passed two weeks." Cordelia says walking in with baby Diesel. I laugh and set Indigo back on her feet, her cheeks blushing a deep crimson

"Hey don't go shy on me now missy, I'm here to see you, come on." Cordelia says handing Diesel to Killer before she and Indigo walk off into the back room

"Bullet, Killer, can I talk to you for a minute?" Circuit asks walking into the infirmary. Doc nods and takes Diesel from Killer before heading out

"What's up man?" Killer asks as Circuit sits down

"I know how the Coyotes got their intel on us. It's my fault." Circuit says, as his face falls

"The fuck are you talking about?" I ask

"They found a back door into the club server. I normally keep everything in check but I let this slip. This is all my fault." He says looking between Killer and me

"So they know everything that's on your computer?" I ask and he nods

"Do they know you found it?" Killer asks

"No, that part I didn't fuck up, I haven't blocked their access yet."

"Ok, we can use this. I have a plan, Bullet call church and get Doc to help me out of this fucking bed." Killer says.

We all pile into church and wheel Killer to the head of the table

"Right men, turns out there isn't a rat. The Coyotes just have a good hacker who got into our computer. Before you say anything this isn't Circuits fault." Killer says waving his hands to quiet the few grunts.

"Now I have a plan. They can see what Circuit puts on his computer. I want them to think we found a rat amongst us and set up our own little ambush for them." Killer says looking around the room.

We finish church with a plan laid out and fall out into the bar. Indigo is behind the bar serving as she has been for the passed few weeks, she seems happy there and it's a way for her to be part of the club without panicking about there being too many people. I step up to the bar and she smiles at me as she puts a beer in front of me

"How you doing beautiful?" I ask as I lean over the bar and kiss her

"I'm fine, I want to talk to you later." She replies, I look at her confused but she just smiles. I head over to sit with Knuckles and Ice while I watch Indigo serve my brothers

"That is not the girl I brought here, she's totally different." Knuckles says pointing to the bar with his beer bottle

"She can serve me any day." Ice says as his eyes roam her body

"Ice, how many times have I warned you? You even speak to my woman I'll put a bullet through your dick and you'll never be able to use it again." I say slamming my empty bottle on the table.

"Alright, alright. Any of these other guys got hot cousins so they can bring one for me?" He says looking around the room

"Stick to the whores man, you creep normal girls out." Knuckles says laughing

"Hey just cos I know how to flirt with the ladies, you all think I'm creeping them out, but they want me." He says confidently as Knuckles and I laugh. The night carries on and Indigo closes down the bar, she looks over to me and smiles before heading outside. I follow and find her lighting two cigarettes, I take one from her and sit down in the chair before she climbs onto my lap

"You wanted to talk to me beautiful?" I ask as my free hand strokes her thigh, she nods

"I want you to teach me how to shoot properly." She says turning to face me

"And why do you want to shoot?" I ask as I run my fingers higher up her thigh, to the hem of her denim shorts, I hear a little whimper escape her lips before she pushes my hand away

"Cordelia said you taught her, after I shot that guy a few weeks ago and then when the bad men took me I want to be able to do it properly so I can help defend the club. I don't want to hide while everyone else does it." She says lacing her fingers with mine

"Ok, I will teach you to shoot, but I would rather when shit hits the fan you were hiding and safe." I reply

"There's something else too." She says, I notice her cheeks begin to redden and I trace her cheek with my finger

"What is it beautiful?" I ask

"Umm, Cordelia gave me a shot, for birth control. As much as I love playing find the condom." She says looking away from me and blushing harder. I laugh as I think back to last week when I had her bent over a car in the garage but had no condom.

"You just need to check you didn't catch anything from that skank Cherry and then we're good to go." She says and I see a hint of anger in her face at the mention of her name

"Well we're in luck because I got checked out last week anyway." I reply turning her to face me

"You know I regret how I handled things with us right? You know I want you and only you. I love you Indigo." I say looking into her eyes, she nods and I pull her to me and kiss her passionately. Using my lips to prove how much I love her.

"I love you Rowan" she says as she stands up from me

"Well, now we don't have to play find the condom, we have some unfinished business in the garage." I say as I pick her up over my shoulder and she squeals then giggles as I walk off to the garage.

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