Chapter 30 - Indigo

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"Well look who finally got out of bed." Cordelia chuckles as I grab a beer and sit beside her, I can feel my cheeks heating up.

"Don't be shy with me, I love how cute you two are together." She says slapping my thigh

"He asked me to be his old lady and I said yes." I say quietly and everyone in the bar turns to us when she howls

"About damn time! Welcome to the club." Cordelia says before hugging me

"What's going on here?" Killer says wheeling himself over to us

"Bullet finally pulled his head out of his ass and made Indigo his old lady." Cordelia says to Killer

"About fucking time" Killer replies looking to me

"Don't tell everyone yet, Bullet can tell everyone when he gets back." I say quietly.

"Welcome to the old ladies club, it sucked when I was the only one now there's four of us." Izzy says smiling

"Well now we need to celebrate, tomorrow night we should throw a party for you and Bullet." Cordelia says

"Oh and you'll have to talk to needles about your tattoo, he's such a great artist." Izzy says as she pulls down her top to show me the tattoo on her chest. I notice Sarah isn't saying anything, I haven't seen a tattoo on her, but everyone refers to her as an old lady. I know Cordelia's is on her thigh, maybe Sarah's is hidden.

"Maybe you and Sarah could get done together." Cordelia says looking to Sarah.

"You know why I don't have the tattoo, I'm happy for you Indigo." Sarah says smiling at me.

The guys have been gone for hours and it's killing me not knowing if Rowan is ok, or if he's hurt. Cordelia keeps reassuring me but I won't relax until he's back.

"I'm gonna go for a smoke." I say as I stand from the booth and head outside. I light my cigarette and look up at the stars in the sky, feeling myself calm down.

Suddenly there is a loud explosion, making the ground shake and I look up to see flames burst from my home

"Don't fucking move bitch." I hear from behind me as I feel a blade against my throat, the mans other arm wrapping around my waist. He reaches behind me and pulls my gun from my jeans, tossing it on the floor.

"Keep quiet and start walking." He says as he knees me in the thigh and I start moving forward. What would Cordelia do? I need to fight like she would, she wouldn't let this asshole just take her.

"Let her go." I turn in the mans hold and see Doc in the doorway pointing a gun at the asshole, with the prospects at his side

"Lower your gun or I slit the bitches throat." Asshole replies but this just makes me want to fight more. Doc looks at me and I motion to him without asshole noticing, I bring my arm forward slowly and then slam my elbow back into his gut, he groans and loosens his hold on me enough I can get away from him, I duck as Doc fires his gun, not looking to see if Doc hit him as I run.

Some one else grabs me, turning me so my face is pressed against his chest, I look up at the cut and see it says Duke, Vice President. The Coyotes have come back for me after last time when they beat me, he was one of them, Knuckles killed his brother so now he's going to kill me. Before I met Rowan I would be begging him to end it all, god knows I tried to end it myself, but now I have Rowan and Cordelia and I'm getting closer to the rest of the club, it's like a new family.

Bullets fire from both sides as Duke drags me around the side of the clubhouse, I try my hardest to fight him and manage to bite his hand

"Oh you're going to pay for that, bitch." He spits as he continues to drag me away.

"Get your fucking hands off my woman." That voice, the one that calms me

"Rowan" I shout as I look around and see him aiming at Duke as he holds his gun to my head.

"She's mine now, I think I'll have some fun with her first." Duke smirks

"You mother fucker." Rowan growls and starts moving towards me

"Ah ah ah, stay back or I'll kill her right here, right now." Duke says as he presses the gun harder against my temple

"You are not taking her, I won't let you." Rowan says as he looks to me, our eyes meet and I tell him I love him without saying a word.

"Fuck you." Duke says before the sound of his gun firing rings in my ears

"Rowan" I scream as I search his body for where he was hit. Duke lifts me off the ground and begins walking towards a van, when I look back to Rowan I can see his blood soaking through his shirt

"Go after them, get her back." Rowan shouts as he clutches at his stomach. I see Doc get to him before I'm thrown into the back of the van and the doors close.

The van begins speeding away and I get thrown all over the back as they swerve, I hear the rumble of motorcycles surrounding the van as we continue to fly down the road. I take a deep breath and try my best to stay calm, I need to get back to Rowan, I can't let these man take me, he's hurt.

"There's fucking demons everywhere." The Coyote driving the van shouts as the passenger lowers the window and begins shooting. I think back to what Cordelia told me, about when she was kidnapped, she fought like hell and she made it back to Killer. I study the men in the front and realise they are too focused on the men outside the van to notice me. I roll onto my knees and slowly sneak up behind the drivers seat and thank Izzy for my manicured nails.

"Fucking bitch." He screams as I drag my nails down his face and the van swerves violently, his blood on my fingers tells me I hurt him and I smile before I begin hitting and punching him. Suddenly the man who was shooting out of the window pulls me back by my hair and slams me down onto the floor on the van.

"You stupid little bitch." He spits as he cable ties my hands and feet. He slaps me across the face and my cheek instantly burns. I want to fight, I want to kill him but I can't move as he climbs on top of me

"Boss is gonna have some fun with you." He smirks before he wraps my hair in his fist, lifts my head up and slams it into the floor, spots cloud my vision and everything turns black.

MC's Indigo (Broken Demons MC #2)Where stories live. Discover now