Chapter 11 - Bullet

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I lost it, I lost myself in her when her little ass was grinding against me and she leant back giving me the perfect view of her breasts. I couldn't stop myself when she said she wouldn't get in bed without me.

I was so close, so close to having all of her, the taste of her and the feel of her satin soft skin still linger on my lips and fingers, but as soon as I saw them I had to stop. Scar after scar from previous self inflicted wounds intersected by four fairly new ones. Two of them have been stitched while the others were left open.

"Indigo, talk to me. When did you do these?" I beg hurt and anger filling me that she could still do this when I thought I was helping, I thought it was me keeping her calm, not her handiwork with a knife. She grabs at the sheet to try to cover her body

"I'm sorry." She whispers tears beginning to fall. I move next to her and pull her against me, her face in my neck and my hand in her hair. I just hold her while she cries

"You need to start talking to me more." I say holding her close

"I can't." She replies

"Why not?" I ask pulling her back to look down into her eyes

"Because I'm too crazy, Daddy said I can't tell anyone because they will think I'm crazy and lock me up for the rest of my life." She says between sobs, the tears running freely.

"Do you trust me?" I ask and she nods

"Then trust that you can tell me anything. I won't think you're crazy and I definitely won't let anyone lock you up." I say stroking her cheek.

"When did you do these?" I ask motioning to the new cuts on her stomach

"Three days ago."


"I had another nightmare and I know even though he's dead I'll never be free." She says looking down at my chest

"What was your nightmare about?"

"What Daddy did when he came home from work every day."

"What did he do?" I ask praying I'm guessing wrong. I feel my blood boiling thinking of what he's done to my Indigo. She doesn't answer just shakes her head.

"When my Mom died in the car accident he taught me it's not safe to go outside, that I need to stay locked in my room so he can keep me safe. Once Mom was gone he needed me to take her place. So I took my Moms place." She says still refusing to look at me

"This started when your Mom died? How old were you?"

"15" she says nodding her head.

"Does Knuckles know?"

"No. No one knows. Daddy said they wouldn't believe me because I'm crazy. They'll lock me away. Please don't tell anyone." She says looking up to me. Her dad is lucky he's dead or I would fucking rip him apart.

"I thought Knuckles said you had a therapist. You didn't tell him?"

"No, Daddy made me lie so I wouldn't get locked away." I growl at that my anger reaching boiling point. I move away from her and stand up from the bed

"Please don't leave, I told you I'm crazy." She says moving across the bed towards me. I bend down so we're face to face

"You are not crazy, trust me. I just need to process what you've told me. Get some rest and I promise I'll come back." I say stroking her cheek. I kiss her softly before standing and putting my clothes back on. I give her her shirt before leaving.

I manage to make it downstairs before I punch a hole in the wall, I force myself outside and light a cigarette

"Bullet is everything ok?" I hear Cordelia come out behind me. I shake my head

"Is Indigo alright? Can I help?" She asks putting her arm around me

"She just, she told me some stuff about life with her dad, but I promised her it would stay between us." I say between drags on my cigarette

"Ok, stay here and calm down, I think I'm due to check on her bullet wound anyway." Cordelia says before heading back inside.

Knuckles walks out because apparently I can't catch a break

"We need to talk about what's going on with you and my cousin Bullet." He says lighting a cigarette

"Not now Knuckles." I growl hoping he'll drop it.

"Yes now, before she gets more hurt than she already is, she got shot protecting you." He says pushing me to face him

"You have no idea what she's been through Knuckles, there's no way I'm backing off now whether you like it or not." I say pushing him back from me

"Who are you to suddenly be the fucking expert on my family?" He says poking my chest, my blood almost back to boiling point

"I'm the only one she's confided in. I know more than you and from now on I will be the one protecting her." I reply my face close to his

"Alright boys, I won't have my brothers fighting on the compound. Enough." Killer says interrupting us

"If you'll excuse me I'm going back to my woman." I say turning away from Knuckles and heading back inside

"This isn't over Bullet." I hear Knuckles say, but I ignore him going up the stairs to Indigo, my Indigo. I open the door and find Indigo lying on the bed, Cordelia examining the wounds on her stomach. I close the door and move over to Indigo's side

"Ok, I've given you some clean bandages, keep an eye on that one I'm worried it might get infected." Cordelia says before standing up off the bed, Indigo quickly covers herself up and tries her best to smile at me

"Get some rest. I'll see you both in the morning." Cordelia says before leaving.

"You came back." Indigo says looking up to me

"Beautiful, you're mine now. I'll always come back." I say taking off my cut and boots. I strip down to my boxers and climb into bed next to her. I wrap my arms around her body and pull her against me

"Get some rest, I'm not going anywhere." I say as I feel her relax against me.

MC's Indigo (Broken Demons MC #2)Where stories live. Discover now