Chapter 15 - Bullet

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Every day she seems a little better, she still doesn't eat enough and she still won't leave her little haven, but give it time. She smiles every day now and she does more and more without thinking it through first. She's only had nightmares a few times but with me there she seems to calm down easier and she hasn't hurt herself. I've fallen in love with her, something I never thought I would feel.

I didn't want to go on this run tonight but it's important for the club

"You ok there Bullet, you seem distracted" Killer says as I drive the truck down the dirt track away from the warehouse. If it was any other of my brothers I'd tell him to fuck off but Killer and I have been brothers since we were in diapers.

"Just thinking about Indigo, I need to find a way to get her out of that fucking box."

"Trust me Cordelia is working on it, she was in bed with her computer last night researching studies and psychologists all for Indigo, seems it's not just my brother distracted by her, it's my wife too." Killer says with a laugh. His cell phone rings

"Baby, I hate it when you call me when I'm on a run, I feel like it's bad news coming." He says looking to me and laughing. His face falls instantly, it is bad news

"Ok, is Circuit on it? Get everyone together, we'll be there as fast as fucking possible." He ends the call and looks to me

"Just tell me Killer." I growl internally begging it's not my Indigo, praying to anyone who will hear me that she's safe in her box waiting for me.

"The Coyotes took Indigo. They failed with Cordelia so they moved onto the VP's girl." He says as he grips onto the dash because of the speed I'm going the truck is rocking violently on the dirt track. I punch the wheel as I drive

"I knew I should've stayed with her. Hell I should've made her stay at the clubhouse, she would've been safe there. Fuck." I roar. I barely give the prospect time to open the gate as I fly into the compound. I run from the truck inside

"Tell me you've fucking got her Circuit." I growl as I kick the door to his office open.

"I checked the cameras, they took her three hours ago. I'm watching all known sites associated with The Coyotes, Knuckles is still at the Coyote warehouse if they show up there just wait, I'll find her."

"I'm not waiting, Knuckles had to sedate her just to bring her here, fuck knows what state she's in in the hands of those fuckers. I need to get to her now." I stomp away to the armoury and begin gathering weapons, I need to get to her, she'll be panicking.

"Bullet, she'll be ok we will find her." Cordelia says stepping in behind me, I carry on gathering my weapons it's all I can do to stop myself from destroying this clubhouse knowing my Indigo is in the hands of the Coyotes and it's my fault. If I had stayed away from her like I knew I should've she wouldn't be the VP's girl and they wouldn't have taken her.

"Is Socket awake yet? He can tell us more." I don't bother turning around, I know she's still there

"No, he took a fucking hard hit to the head, he'll be out for a while." She replies, I feel her walk up next to me and place her small hand on my shoulder

"If anyone knows what's happening to Indigo it's me. I made it through and so will she, she's tougher than she realises." She says before turning and leaving.

More hours pass, the sun is beginning to rise. I busy myself cleaning my gun, thinking of the men who will meet their end by it. I strap my knife to my thigh and head back to Circuits office when he runs into me

"I found the van." He shouts excitedly and I rush to follow him back into his office

"The van that took her just pulled out of the abandoned warehouse, Knuckles is heading over now." He says as we look down on a run down industrial building from satellite imagery.

"Right, we got a location let's fucking move." Killer says from behind me. Without hesitation we all charge to our motorcycles and Circuit follows in the van. Ice leads the way and I'm pleased we're not even trying to arrive there safely as we speed down the dirt track to her. Yes, I need to distance myself but I need to know she's safely back at the clubhouse first.

We pull up on a nearby hill overlooking the abandoned building and I can see that it is clearly not abandoned. Light shines through the dusted and cracked windows lining the top of the building, a small pulse of light from someone taking a drag on a cigarette shines beside the small doorway and I know she's there.

"Ok men, here's the plan. Bullet and I will go left and take the fucker on the door, BFG and Knuckles go right and Sonny and Ice head around the back. Keep the noise to a minimum so we still get the element of surprise." Killer says quietly looking amongst the men gathered around him. We nod and head off down the slope towards the warehouse. Killer swiftly takes out the man on the door and I open it, checking it's clear before heading inside. There are crates stacked around and I use them to hide as I navigate my way through the vast open space.

"Fuck it's The Demons" I hear a man shout from the other side of the room

"So much for surprise." Killer says with an evil smirk, we both pull our guns and prepare to open fire, Knuckles and BFG back us up, using a crate as protection I turn and swiftly take out three men. I move from my spot forward to the next crate and again, the guys on my tail. We continue to clear the room until we meet more Coyotes, I open fire when I feel a bullet rip through my leg, I stop myself from falling as the pain begins to ripple through me

"Fuck you're hit, fall back behind me." Killer says as we continue to clear a path. I feel I'm losing blood quickly but I can't stop until I find her, until she's safe with me.

MC's Indigo (Broken Demons MC #2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt