Chapter 33 - Bullet

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I speed down the road with my guys on my tail, I need to get there, I need to save her, I never should've let them take her. I tighten my grip on the handlebars as I curse myself for not stopping them.

"He just pulled into the garage now." Circuit says through my cell as I park my bike just up the street out of sight. Sonny, Reaper and Socket follow me while Knuckles, Jack and Ace head the other side of the street so we can approach from opposite sides.

I stop outside the metal door and listen for signs of movement. I signal to the guys and open the door. I find three Coyotes and we swiftly shoot them down. We search the dark room and there's no sign of her, the lights come on and I feel my heart stop at the sight in front of me. On the floor in front of a car lift are chain in a pool of blood

"She'll still be alive here somewhere, we'll find her" Socket says as he steps up beside me. Knuckles steps out of a doorway to my left

"Took out two more, no sign of her though." He says before we head for the only other door. I creep down the corridor with Knuckles behind me and up a staircase. I find three doors, one on either side and one on the end.

I hit the door to my left first, empty. Then the door on my right, that's empty too. Finally I reach the door at the end and take a deep breath before kicking it open

"Bullet, nice of you to join us." Duke says from on top of my woman

"You son of a bitch I'll fucking kill you!" I roar as I dive at him and tackle him to the floor. I pound my fists into his face until he is a bloody mess, then pull my gun from my jeans and press it against his temple

"She's still alive Bullet, but she's pretty messed up" Knuckles says standing over her

"Fucking asshole, go join your brothers and father." I say before pulling the trigger. I stand and go straight to Indigo who is passed out face down on the bed with blood all over her

"Pull the van out front and get everyone back to the clubhouse. There's only a few Coyotes left and I want them gone before sunrise." I say as I gently lift her off the bed, minding her back and head out. I climb into the back of the van and hold her tight against me as we begin driving back. I'll never forgive myself for letting her get hurt like this.

We arrive back at the compound and I carry her through to the infirmary, Cordelia comes through with a tray of equipment and puts on a pair of gloves

"Don't worry Bullet, I've got our girl, I'll come and get you if I need you." She says with a smile before getting to work on Indigo

"Church. Now." I roar as Killer wheels himself through and we all head into the room

"Have we figured out how many are left?" I ask looking to Circuit

"Yep, Bo and his sons are all dead now you've taken out Duke, there's only a handful of members left now and after checking with my sources I'm confident they are all hiding out at the clubhouse. Probably shitting their pants trying to figure out what the fuck they do now." He smirks

"Ok here's what I want. I want all of us to head to the clubhouse and finish them off before we burn it to the ground. But Knuckles, I want you, Reaper and Socket to head to the 4 businesses we know they have, clear 'em and burn 'em. I want nothing left to show The Coyotes ever existed by morning. Are you with me?" I ask looking around the table as everyone grunts and nods. I end church and head back to the infirmary

"How is she?" I ask Cordelia as she continues to work on her

"I'm not gonna lie, she's taken one hell of a beating, but she'll get through it. I've sedated her though so she's going to be out for at least a few hours. Go do what you need to, I'll call you if anything changes." She says before looking back down at the wound she's stitching

"Have Doc put her in my bed when you're done." I say before stroking her hair and then leaving.

Once this is done I'll know she's safe and I'll make sure she knows she is for the rest of my life. I head to the armoury to reload my guns before climbing on my bike. My brothers with me as we ride out of the lot and towards The Coyotes clubhouse.

When we arrive we park our bikes just down the street and run up to the building, there are lights on so I'm guessing some one is there.

"Let's do this." I say before the guys follow me to the clubhouse door. I kick it open and am met with four Coyotes, we make light work of taking them out and then spread out checking the rest of the building. Once it's clear Jack and Ace set up the Molotov's and we blow the place.

"Call Knuckles, see if he needs help and then back to the clubhouse to celebrate." I say before climbing on my bike.

I don't hold back as I fly back to the clubhouse, I need to be by her side when she wakes up. I quickly pull up, jump off my bike and head to the infirmary

"Good timing Bullet, I just finished, you can take her up to your room if you like. Here's some painkillers, just give me a shout if she needs me." Cordelia says cleaning up her supplies

"What's the damage? Will she be ok?" I ask as I look down at her lying face down on the bed

"Her back is pretty shredded from the belt, but all I can do is keep it clean while it heals. Her face took a few punches and her arms are bruised from the chains holding her. I'll know more when she wakes up and tells me where the pain is. She's going to be ok though, it'll just take some time." She says placing her hand on my arm

"I shouldn't have let that fucker take her, this is my fault." I say

"You got shot, you couldn't do more than you did and you found her as fast as you could. Just take her to bed Bullet, it will be ok." She replies before walking off. I gently pick her up, minding her back, and carry her up the stairs to my room.

I lay her down on my bed and quickly take off my clothes. I take off the gown Cordelia put on her and replace it with one of my shirts. I lie down beside her and pull her onto my chest, so she isn't lying on her back. I just lie there, looking at her bruised face and stroking her hair until I drift off to sleep.

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