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"Just a shadowy figure with a blank face, kicking me out of his place."

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"My little lo-o-ve bu-u-g..."

Tyler smiled as soon as he heard Josh's voice ring through the air.

It had been a few hours since their "mischief" and while most of it had been spent watching a movie, they had decided in the last hour that they were hungry, so Josh went out to pick up a pizza and some drinks.

But now he was back and Tyler was so glad. Even though he had only been gone for 30 minutes, he still had missed him terribly... thanks to his "needy" Time Keeper.

Josh appeared with the pizza box in one hand and two bags in the other. "I'm back, angel. You staying cozy?"

Pulling his blanket up so it covered half his face, Tyler giggled, his toes curling a little at the sight of his most favorite person in the world. "Mhm. I missed you."

"I missed you too, sweet boy. You want a drink?"

"Maybe just a sip of yours." Tyler smiled. "I'm still only 20, you know."

"So? You'll be 21 soon enough." Josh chuckled. "But look at you being a good boy."

Tyler giggled. "Only for you, J."

"Oh, I got some Sprite, too, if you want that."

"Mm, that sounds good."

"Let me go and get some plates and cups."

"No, let me." Tyler moved the blanket, a shy smile on his face. "I know it's still Happy Tyler Day but I want to do something for you."

Josh knew it'd be pointless to try and argue with him, so he just held his hands up. "Okay, be my guest, darling."

Tyler hurried off to the kitchen. After filling a glass with some ice and grabbing two plates out of the cabinet, he returned to see Josh struggling to open his wine cooler. "Need some help?" he asked as he set everything down on the coffee table.

Josh looked up at Tyler, a quizzical expression on his face, before he handed him the bottle.

Tyler cracked it open with ease before handing it back to him. "Here you go."

"Whoa, that was sick!" Josh exclaimed. "How did you open it so fast?"

Tyler shrugged. "Lots of practice. I always had to have an open beer waiting for my ex-Protector when he came home."

"Oh." Josh placed the bottle down before reaching for Tyler's hands. "Does me drinking bother you? Because I swear to you, I will throw this whole case away right now if it does."

Tyler shook his head. "No, not at all." He squeezed Josh's hands and gave him a small smile. "I know you won't hurt me."

"I wouldn't dream of it, Tyler." Josh pulled him into a tight hug. "Are you sure though?"

Tyler accepted the hug, grateful for the physical contact. "Positive."

"Well, if you change your mind, just let me know, okay?" Josh gave him a sweet smile when he nodded. "Oh, and thank you for opening my drink."

He giggled. "You're welcome, Josh."

Josh filled up Tyler's cup with Sprite and the two set in on their pizza, making light conversation with each other as a movie played in the background.

"So, guess who called me while I was out?"

Tyler bit his bottom lip as he tried to guess who it might've been. "Um... Fynnley?"

"Nah, he's not that important." Josh laughed before clearing his throat. "It was my mom. She called to tell me they're thinking about getting a new dog in a few weeks."

"Aw, that's so sweet. I love animals."

"I do too. So that conversation led into her inviting me over to their place for dinner."

"That's great, J! When?"

"Wednesday night. I also told her there's someone that I wanted to bring with me for them to meet."

Tyler's heart nearly stopped at the thought of meeting Josh's parents, especially after all he'd heard about them. "Oh, jeez..."

"Only if you're okay with it," Josh added. "My parents can be a real pain in the a--" He stopped when Tyler raised an eyebrow at him. "--behind. But you're really important to me, Ty, and I want them to know you."

"Meeting them is all fine and dandy, but..." Tyler looked away, his hand moving to cover up his Time Keeper symbol. "What about me being a Keeper?"

"I don't want to hide you, Tyler. I want them to know the real you, and if they don't like it, then that's their problem. I'll still lo-- um, like you, no matter what they say."

Tyler's eyes slowly returned to Josh's gaze. "You... you promise?"

"I promise." Josh curled his pinky around Tyler's pinky. "Just to be safe."

And just like that, the smile was back. "Okay, pinky promise." Tyler let out a small sigh. "I don't have anything nice to wear."

"Looks like we're going to have to set you up a shopping appointment with Columbus' best-dressed house manager, Fynnley Harrington."

Tyler laughed a little. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure he enjoys shopping much more than I do."

"I bet." Josh kissed him on the cheek. "I've gotta go into the office tomorrow morning, but I'll let Fynn use the credit card again. Just get whatever catches your eye, don't worry about the price tag."

Tyler grinned. "So, if I see a $500 tie, I can buy it?"

"Naughty boy," Josh teased. "I mean, sure, but how about we save the expensive ties for somewhere nicer than my parents house?"

"Fair enough." Tyler's eyes lit up a little. "Can I buy you something too? After all, it's your money and everything."

Josh chuckled. "Of course, baby doll. Fynn should know all of my sizes."

Tyler bounced up and down on the couch a little. "I hope I'll find something you like."

Josh leaned over and kissed him. "If it's coming from you, Ty, I'm sure I'll love it."

Tyler giggled. "Your lips taste like pizza."

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"That just means it's time for ice cream." Tyler settled back on the pillows and pulled the blanket back over his body. "You know, so our kisses will taste like chocolate and vanilla."

Josh chuckled. "You read my mind, baby boy."

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Stick with me, frens, I appreciate you.

What kind of car do you have? (And if you don't have one, what is your dream car?)

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Keeper and Protector (Joshler) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now