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"And they're making children, everyone's in love. I just sit in silence, let the pictures soak."

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Tyler looked up from his notebook to where Fynn sat at the kitchen table. Pen hovering over paper, his eyebrows raised at the break in silence that had been in the air since breakfast.

"Excuse me?"

"His name was Oliver." Fynn cleared his throat. "Remember the picture you asked about the other day? I'm sure you could tell that we were more than friends." Eyes casting off, his voice lowered to a near whisper. "But he was so much more than just my lover. He... he was my Keeper."

A small gasp left Tyler's lips, his Time Keeper aching at just the mention of another Keeper. "I... I didn't know you were a Protector." His voice came out breathlessly as he tried to process what he'd just been told. "I mean, it makes a lot of sense, but..." He sighed, unsure of what to say next.

"What do you mean?"

"I guess I had this... feeling. Now that I think about it, my Time Keeper probably knew you're a Protector before I did. I like to think that it's smarter than me sometimes."

"Yeah, they can be sensitive. Oli always called it his 'sixth sense,'" Fynnley said, a distant, yet sad smile on his face.

Tyler took a deep breath before approaching the question he wanted to avoid but knew had to be asked. "Fynnley... what happened to Oliver?"

Fynn sighed. "I'm really sorry I didn't tell you sooner." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned it on before sliding it across the table for Tyler to see. "I'm sure you know what this is."

The Time Keeper Database. The same place he had posted his plea for help.

"Y-You have the Database," Tyler mumbled as he picked up the phone.

"Never got rid of it. Probably never will."

Tyler's eyes focused on the text on the screen, his heart breaking with every word that he read.

Oliver Averi McGuire (February 2, 1995 – December 25, 2017)

The Time Keeper Database would like to make everyone aware of the passing of Keeper #02021995 on the 25th of December.

After a long fight, Oliver died peacefully at the age of twenty-two with his Protector, Fynnley Harrington, by his side.

Those who knew Oliver described him as a vibrant young man that loved to help others and had an incredibly infectious smile. Even in the face of terminal illness, Oliver kept his positive attitude and always served as an inspiration to others to not give up in the face of adversity.

He will be dearly missed and his legacy as a Keeper will live on in our hearts.

"Oh, my gosh." Tears stung at Tyler's eyes as a rush of words came out of his mouth. "Fynn, I-I didn't know. I remember reading that when it came out on the TKD but I never put two-and-two together until now and I'm so sorry, Fynn. I'm sorry, please forgive me, I'm sorry, I--"

Fynn cut off his flurry of words. "Shh. Darling, calm down, it's okay. Like I said before, I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I just didn't really know how to... bring it up." He gave Tyler a sad smile. "Well, that is, until you asked about our picture. That's when I knew I finally had to sit down and tell you what happened."

"But Fynn..." Tyler's voice came out barely above a whisper. "You lost him."

"You're right. I did lose him. And I miss him every single day."

Tyler watched as a tear fell down Fynn's cheek, his calm exterior slowly falling apart.

"It hits me at the most random times, you know? A smell he liked, his favorite song on the radio or eating food he loved." He rubbed at his eyes a little and sniffled. "Even after all this time, I still find some of his hair around my apartment. You certainly couldn't miss it, he had the curliest black hair. He was such a beautiful boy."

"H-How long were you two together?"

"I was his first Protector, so almost five years. I had dated non-Keepers before, but I knew from the first time we met that Oliver was different. We had our rough patches, like any relationship, but our bond was unbreakable. He always told me..." His voice cracked. "He always told me we were going to grow old together and when I died, he was going to die right along with me."


"I was supposed to die first, Tyler! Not him!"

And with that, Fynn broke down.

"God, I miss him so much," he sobbed. "He was my entire world, Ty. I loved him so much. I still do. I just want him back in my arms. I would do anything for that."

Feeling a bit helpless, Tyler got up from his seat and went over to Fynnley, wrapping his arms around him to provide some sort of stability in his incredibly fragile moment.

After a few minutes, Tyler looked up when he saw Josh walk into the kitchen. To his surprise, he came over and placed another reassuring hand on Fynn's back.

"I take it he told you about Oliver," Josh whispered.

Nodding, Tyler kept his arms around Fynn, unsure of what to do. "He's really upset but I don't know what to say."

"Shh, it's okay, babe. He's still grieving." Josh patted Tyler on the back with his free hand. "Let me get some water and tissues for him. Just hang tight for a minute, okay?"

And that's what Tyler did. His head on Fynn's shoulder, tears streamed down his own face as he listened to his friend cry.

Thankfully, by the time Josh came back, Fynnley had calmed down a little. He whispered a 'thank you' before downing the glass of water, much to Josh's concern.

"Hey, easy, easy," he said, hand returning to Fynn's back. "Don't want you throwing up."

After blowing his nose, Fynn took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. "Sorry for all the ugly crying," he said quietly.

"Don't apologize," Tyler said. "Remember what you told me when we first met?"

"I know. I just feel like such a burden."

"Don't be. I'm always crying." Tyler gave him a small smile. "And who's been there for me every time I have a breakdown? You and Josh. So, please don't feel like a burden."

"We love you, Fynnley," Josh said softly.  "And we're always here for you."

Fynn turned to look at the both of them. "Always?"

Tyler leaned over and pressed a kiss to his friend's cheek. "Always."

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Big thank you to twentyonebackpacks for Oliver's first name and to curiosity- for Oliver's middle name. ♡

Stick with me, frens, I appreciate you.

Tell me an unpopular opinion you have?

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