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"Let that be a lesson to you that there's depth where there's distance too. And all that you can do is say I'll see you soon."

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Keeping time and Time Keepers.

Tyler woke up to the faint scent of roses and strawberries.

He squinted a little as light hit his eyes. Even with the curtains drawn, sunlight still streamed through the windows in the mornings. Josh always told him they could buy thicker curtains if it bothered him, but deep down, he didn't mind too much...

Sometimes a little light could do a person good.

Rubbing his eyes, Tyler stifled a yawn as he turned over to see if Josh was awake yet.

Face buried in the pillow and yellow hair sticking up... Josh looked like he was having a really nice time sleeping.

It was adorable and strangely... energizing.

Tyler moved a little closer to Josh before pressing a tiny kiss to his head. "I love you," he whispered.

Resting against his Protector, Tyler's mind went back to last night. It was weird to look at his body and realize he wasn't a virgin anymore. Him and Josh were official lovers and that thought excited, yet scared him more than words could ever say.

Deep down, though, he hoped Josh wouldn't expect more sex right away. For one, he was still processing what had happened. And two, he was still... a little sore.

No sooner did he think about that, he shifted around and realized that "down there" felt strangely... sticky.

Am I hurt? Am I dying? I can't die right after losing my virginity!

The feeling of fingers in his hair brought Tyler out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw Josh gazing back at him, eyelids still heavy with sleep.

"Good morning," Tyler said, his voice cracking a little with anxiety.

"Good morning, baby." Josh's voice was raspy but sweet as sugar. "I love waking up to snuggles from my angel."

"Oh, well you're always warm, so it's hard not to snuggle with you. How are you?"

"I'm wonderful, darling." Josh tilted his head a little as he looked into Tyler's unsure eyes, his hand moving to stroke the side of his face. "You look upset. What's wrong?"

"Um..." Tyler thought about making something up, but he knew Josh would see right through it. "It's a little embarrassing."

"Don't be embarrassed. I won't judge."

"Okay, um... my bum feels really sticky and I'm not sure why."

Josh had a look of sudden realization before he started laughing. "Oh, I'm sorry, baby. That's my fault. I came inside of you last night and... yeah. It'll probably be a little messy there until you take a shower."

Tyler blushed. "Oh, gosh..."

He gave him a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry, Ty."

"No, I'm not upset. I was just confused." Tyler gave his Protector a shy smile. "That's kinda hot, actually."

"Oh?" Josh raised an eyebrow. "Do tell me more, Tyler Joseph."

Tyler giggled a little. "Silly goose." He positioned himself in the crook of Josh's arm. "How did you sleep?"

"Great. I don't think I woke up once."

"I can tell from the bedhead." Tyler smiled, reaching up to mess with his hair.

Keeper and Protector (Joshler) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now