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"But everybody has a face that they hold inside, a face that awakens when I close my eyes, a face that watches every time they lie, a face that laughs every time they fall."

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If someone were to name one trait of Tyler's, it would definitely be his curiosity.

Perhaps it wasn't the greatest idea to check the Time Keeper Database to see if there were any other Keepers in LA. But he knew there had to be at least one, right?

To his surprise, there was another young man who, like Tyler, was visiting from out-of-state.

All of which led him to a café on the outskirts of LA, nestled in a corner table with a sandwich, drink and a redhead named Shiloh in front of him.

"Are you sure you don't want something?" Tyler asked, feeling a bit awkward to be the only one eating.

Shiloh just gave him a smile. "Nah, I'm fine with just a drink, thank you. I had a big breakfast and I'm still full from that."

Tyler smiled back. "Are you staying in this area?"

"Yep, not too far away. My Protector's here on business. He usually works from home, but his company made everyone come to California for a meeting."

"Hey, mines here on business too! I wonder if they work for the same company?"

"SRN Corporations?"

"Yeah, that's it! Wow, what are the odds? We're from two different states, yet we're both here with our Protectors."

"Well, as you know, we don't do too well on our own." Shiloh gave him a shy smile. "It's always nice to meet someone another Keeper, though." He sighed. "I just wish society didn't hate us so much."

"Same here..." Tyler looked down at the sleeves of his hoodie, wishing that he didn't have to cover up what he considered to be the most beautiful part of his body. "We don't hate non-Keepers because they're not like us, so why should they hate us because we're not like them?"

Shiloh shook his head. "I don't know, Tyler. I wish I had an answer to that." Taking a sip from his drink, he cleared his throat. "Hey... if I tell you something I heard from someone on the TKD, will you promise to keep it a secret?"

Tyler could tell from the look on Shiloh's face that it was something serious, so he nodded. "Yes, I promise. What's going on?"

"It hasn't been confirmed yet, which is why there hasn't been an official announcement, but... there are rumors going around that there's some sort of secret group going around kidnapping Keepers."

He gasped. "Oh, my gosh... are you serious? Has anyone gone to the police?"

"Well, that's the thing, Tyler... they think the government might have a part in it. Nothing's been confirmed, though, so anyone could be behind it."

Tyler wasn't sure what to say. "How... how many Keepers have gone missing?"

"At least ten. It's been happening in so many random places that no one's been able to figure out who it might be."

"Haven't there been any witnesses? I mean, somebody has to know where they went."

"If there are, no one's coming forward. You aren't going to hear about it on the news, that's for sure. Most people don't care about what happens us, Tyler. As far as they're concerned, Keepers disappearing is a blessing in disguise."

Tyler looked down at the table. He knew the extreme measures the government went to in order to keep track of them. "Well, what can we do? We can't just let whoever's behind this keep kidnapping more Keepers."

Keeper and Protector (Joshler) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now