Chapter four

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    "So Alex have you made any friends?" My therapist asked.

    "Well, yeah, I've made two good friends, but well Rian my roommate's one so I'm not sure if he counts since I have to talk to him."

    "Do you think you've made better friends here than while you were in school?"

    "Yes, because here my friends don't judge my problems while in school I would get made fun of, I didn't have many friends there I mean, I had a couple but they didn't stay long," I stuttered.

     "Why do you think that is?" He asked.

     "Because I'm a fucked up piece of shit and people are judgemental as fuck," I replied.

     "Let me tell you something Alex, you are not fucked up."

     I rolled my eyes.

     The rest of the hour was spent by him evaluating me. I walked out to be greated by Rian and one of his friends, Zack I think his name was.

     "Hey guys," I awkwardly said.

     "Alex were all going out to dinner if you wanna come," Rian offered.

    "If Jack gonna be there?" I asked.

    "Do you wanna go invite him?" Zack asked.

    "Yeah, can I meet up with you guys at the door?"

    "Sure man just make sure you're there before six."

    I looked to the clock and it was 5:42 I had exactly 18 minutes, wait 17 minutes to find Jack and be at the door.

   I ran around the halls thinking of where he could be, I checked the recreation room, no, the mess hall, no, the field, no, it finally hit me that I hadn't checked his room. I ran as fast as I could, since I had 10 minutes to get across the hospital. I finally reached the eating disorder unit and I began to walk slower, he was room 207, I could hear screaming, Jack was right is did seem to echo here. I looked at the numbers when I finally reached the 200's it was 5:54, I got to Jack's room and I heard quite sobs, I looked through the window and I saw Jack with his face in his hands. I opened the door and walked in unnoticed by Jack.

     "What's wrong?" I asked.

      He let out a sob.

      "My parents, they died," he croaked, "I mean I don't know how to feel, they never cared for me but I never thought they'd die."

      I wasn't sure what to say, I felt so bad for him but still no words seemed to fit.

     "They died from a drug overdose, they fucking took out all the money in my bank account that I'd been saving for college and they used it to buy herion," Jack sobbed.

     "Jack I'm so sorry you honestly don't deserve this," I said.

     "Even now I hate them, even after they're dead, I'm not even sure why I'm crying anymore."

     I wasn't sure what to do but I simply hugged him. I guess it's what he needed as he whispered into my ear, "This is the first time someone's hugged me in so long."

     I laid down in his bed and we talked, he told me his struggles and I listened, I began to wish I could do more to help him.

    Eventually a nurse came in and told me it was curfew and took me to my room, Rian was there and he asked me why I didn't show up.

    "Jack needed a friend more than I needed a good dinner," I replied.

    He shrugged and went to take a shower. I laid in my bed and thought of Jack, I wondered how he could survive when he'd been through so much shit. When Rian came out I took a quick shower and I hummed the lyrics to Hold On Till May, the same sung that I'd listen to late at night while cutting deep into my wrist.

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