Chapter 1: New life

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(When Tsuhime goes to Natsu world she will be in the S quest part Natsu will not be able to go so he will be left behind so that's how she will meet Natsu)

Tsuhime wasn't have a good day just today her so called family left her for who? Her older brother her poor excuse of a father revealed him to everyone her friends choose to follow him even after everything shes done for them all the fights they've been through and she was forgotten just like that even Reborn the person she found the closest to a father figure left her she was broken...

Tsuhime: Why me... What have I done to deserve this I've been nice I've put my life on the line for them...I even broke the curse for Reborn! So why am I forgotten so quickly...

Byakuran: Ne Tsu-chan how you-

Byakuran finally got a good look at Tsuhime and having a good look he saw her upset lonely broken.

Byakuran: Tsuhime what happens to you no who did this to you!

Tsuhime: It's nothing Byakuran just my own problem I will have to deal with...

Byakuran: Where's your family should they be here to help you?

Tsuhime: ...

Byakuran: Tsu-chan?

Tsuhime: I'll be fine Byakuran I always have been alone remember?

Byakuran: ... Tsuhime follow me.

Tsuhime: Eh?

Byakuran just picks up Tsuhime and carries her back to his headquarters Byakuran knew that Tsuhime needed help and he was going to give it to her but in his own way.

Tsuhime: Um Byakuran what are you doing and why do you have the 10 year Bazooka?

Byakuran: Honestly I was planning on using this one you to have fun in the other world even send your guardians to see how you guys can handle it but now I'm using it to send you somewhere far where you can live somewhere more peaceful.

Tsuhime: But why? Why would you do that for me?

Byakuran: Well I see you as my little sister and seeing my little sister hurt like that I won't allow it I want you to he happy away from the pain so I will send you to this world and you will meet new people new friends a new family Tsu-chan.

Tsuhime: You really do care for me Byakuran...

Byakuran: Oh course I do and don't worry about anyone else following I'll keep my lips sealed and probably destroy this so they can't follow you but I can't promise they will find a way to follow you so be careful Tsuhime.

Tsuhime: Do I still keep all my flames that I've learn?

Byakuran: Of course it would be horrible if you didn't!

Tsuhime: Heh thank you very much Byakuran.

Byakuran: Anything for my little sister! Now you ready?

Tsuhime: Yeah I think so...

Byakuran: Too late!


But it was too late as Byakuran used the bazooka on Tsuhime sending her to a whole new world.

Byakuran: Take care Tsuhime.

(With Tsuna)

Our favorite Mafia boss was waken up in the middle of a forest in her normal 17 year old age.

Tsuhime: Hm I wonder where I am right now...

Tsuna starts walking to a nearby town till stopping seeing a building being raided by a bunch of random people she wondered what was going on sneaking closer to it she says the thugs attacking the poor people in the building while some pink hair kid fought them back.

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