Chapter 46

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Soundtrack: Ramones - She Talks To Rainbows

Dedication: isabel (@HarrehStulls) here's a really quick update bc i know you love really quick updates ;) i love your enthusiastic comments, they give me a warm feeling in my belly just like the kind you're about to experience in this chapter x


"Tell me a story."

Niall has got his acoustic guitar casually rested in his lap. He's mindlessly strumming a pleasant tune as he glances warmly between me and Harry.

"A story?" Harry repeats.

"Why not?" Niall shrugs, continuing to strum a few chords at a laboured pace.

I chuckle, looking between the two lads, "I've got one."

"Go on, then!" Niall spiritedly nods over at me.

"I'm not gonna name names..." I smirk, licking my lips, "but I went on Twitter yesterday to find that a verified pornstar sent me a picture of his dịck," I bite down on my bottom lip. "Like, I appreciate the offer but that shit's already all over the internet, mate..." I break out beaming as the lads burst out howling. "That's it... That's my story."

"Well done!" Niall praises amid his loud shout of laughter.

"Thanks, pal."

"His willy must have gone through the pencil sharpener a few times..." Harry ponders out loud.

"Oh, god," I feel my face flush at Harry's mere mention of such a topic.

"Now you, Styles!" Niall continues to strum the simple riff on his acoustic.

"Ah," Harry sighs out loud. "I don't have a story."

"Yes ye do!" Niall insists. "Go on!"

Harry huffs, staring straight ahead at his bandmate, "One time I laughed so hard my left nut started to hurt."

I nearly choke, as does Niall, "What were you laughing at?!"

"I don't even remember, you know?" Harry chuckles, dimples digging deep into his cheeks. "As soon as it started to feel a little tingly I just started laughing."

I nearly tear up at how ridiculous of a thought it is. The fact that it's Harry just makes it even more hilarious. I've come to know him so well that I have the ability to laugh at him, with him and as him, all at the same time. It's the kind of thing that doesn't make sense until it happens. And man, is it ever spectacular.

"My turn!" Niall sings. He rests his arms on top of his acoustic now, without playing it, as he clears his throat. "So, I was in the toilet yesterday..."

"Here we go..." Harry groans endearingly.

"So I walked in and I saw one of th' crew guys' feet in a stall. And there was an absolute wretched smell. Like, really fuckin' bad. So I'm only assumin' he was takin' a major dump," Niall pauses to let out a laugh of his own before continuing. "So I got real quiet for a bit and let everything settle down... All I could hear was this faint, like, gruntin' sound or somethin' and the ever so slight plop of his fuckin' turd droppin' into the toilet," Niall snickers, visibly fond of the story he's telling. "Other than this guy's shit, you could hear a pin drop. I'm not fuckin' with ye!"

"Is this going anywhere?" I ask, unsure whether I should laugh or cringe.

"It's Niall," Harry reassures me, smirking. "It's always going somewhere."

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