Meeting Marilyn Monroe?

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The Doctor bites into her Custard cream while spitting out crumbs "Right then J Where would you like to go?", the thought lingers for a Moment as the Doctor finishes her Biscuit.

"1960s", I say, "Alright then 1960s it is", as the Doctor pushes and presses things on her console, "Anywhere in particular?", she asks. "Well I would love to meet Marilyn Monroe".

The Doctor looks at me and smiles "Okay then too Marilyn but I warn you she might not be pleased with me by far mind you I have changed quite the thing since well", she says pressing the final leaver that makes us fly through the time Vortex.

"What do you mean?", I ask curios. "Well I married her and then had to leave", she says. "Wait what? You Married Marilyn and it ain't in history?".

"Well I tend to not try to leave myself in history's hands for humans or any of my enemies to learn where I am in history", she says and I just went nodded and we headed to the door.

We left the Tardis to this beautiful room, it was too marvellous to explain completely and then we heard a voice and the door shot open and there she was beautiful as daylight Marilyn in flesh and blood standing in front of me and the Doctor not so happy looking at the Tardis in the middle of her room.

"Where is he", she says with tone, "Well you see a thing happened", said the Doctor.

"And what's that?", asks Marilyn. "Well here I am", says the Doctor with an odd smile?, "Impossible", Marilyn said, "The Doctor was a man and had that chin and his and that bow tie", she explained.

"Hey might I add that bow ties are still absolutely cool, and my chin why did everyone have an issue with that chin", the Doctor protests "And it's not impossible you know I'm a TimeLord and this is my New Face and body still not used to it", the Doctor explains.

"And who's this?", asks Marilyn. "Hi Hi I'm I'm I'm a person who really admires you and how are you?", is all I stutter out and she and the Doctor starts laughing.

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