Inside The Tardis

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I walk into the blue box she calls a Tardis expecting it to be much, much smaller but to my surprise it's absolutely humongous inside.

She stands tapping as my mouth is open. I look around myself taking in the interior, "Well", she says. I look at her "It's It's", she mumbles "Bigger on the inside?". I shake my head "No it's humongous. How big is this exactly?", I ask.

"Well that's a first, and accurate also as you say humongous ", she smirks walking over to the middle of the Tardis with what looks like switches and other things I have no clue about. "So wish to go somewhere?" she asks.

"Ummm", I say baffled "Yes" my mind is blown away but with wonder and my imagination is light up with thoughts and my mind races with questions and curiosity.

"Where to? Past, present, future or another planet?", she says twisting a little knob that revealed a custard cream?, "Past 1920s", I say with a smile crossing my face. I make my way over to where she is, taking in the interior "Why does that look like spider legs?", I ask pointing up towards the ceiling, "Does it?", as if she never noticed "Yes", I said "Oh well" was all I got out her.

"So why the 1920s?", she questions "Beautiful intriguing clothes, I wanna check them out", I say excited. This is truly absolutely one hundred percent worth stumbling across this woman.

"Okay then let's go", she says smiling and turning and switching buttons and suddenly I'm holding onto the middle console, I guess you can say for my dear life as the Tardis is moving through time and space with us along with it. If I didn't hold onto something I would surely be on the floor by now with some sort of bruise appearing.

I noticed a small looking Tardis that had stopped spinning as we landed, it was so adorable. Pulled out my thoughts from the Doctor, "Come along then", she says excited heading towards the door, I followed and she asked "Ready?" I smile and said "Geronimo", and she smiles back "Fantastic" and we headed out the door.

13th Doctor OneShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora