11 meets 13

418 13 7

The Doctor and Yaz were sitting in a cafe on a Planet called Ringsloop they were waiting on the others arriving, J had taken Graham and Ryan to get one of the Famous donuts downtown. Yaz and the Doctor didn't want one.

They were about to be on their way to the cafe that of course sells other types of Donuts and non earthly sandwiches and drinks.

The Doctor was sitting with Yaz having a conversation with her about some intergalactic space meeting going on that she's going to invite herself too.

Meanwhile, in, the Donut shop J was over at all the delicious different Purple/blue ones as the guys were buying theirs.

There was a little familiar voice that came from J's left she looks down at this little girl who says "Hey I love your hair".

J stood blinking unsure of what to do or say but she had the courage to say 'Thank you' but it didn't come out right and it was all mumbled.

She coughs and blinks a few times "Sorry sorry about that my mind just well anyways thank you", she smiles down at the little girl.

"Maybe one day I could have Purple hair it's beautiful is Purple your favorite color as well?", said the younger girl.

"Ahh, yes absolutely the best color in the galaxy", she smiles down at herself unsure if this is allowed but in theory, it's the universe fault but why can't she remember this?

"J darling", comes Rivers voice, "We have to go if you want some of those donut milkshakes", and older J laughs at that not realizing that it would be the same cafe the Doctor and Yaz are at.

"And I have to go now Sweetie", comes River standing above the little girl and Beside the older J she smiles at her, she returns the smile.

"River River, do you think I could get Purple hair like hers one day?", the younger girl gives some puppy dog eyes at her mother.

This younger version of J must have been about twelve or thirteen years old. She knew who River and the Doctor was at this point but at that point in her age didn't call them Mum and Dad or in J's case Ma and Pa.

"Maybe one day you will", the older J buts in before her mother says a thing, J laughs looking down at herself as River studies the Girl.

"I don't think so", comes the Doctor "Look at your beautiful blonde hair why would you want to ruin it", he says innocently just loving her hair as it is.

Older J laughs and says "I'm sorry well maybe one day she might want to change it but hey that could be a very long time", J says reassuring the girl that one day she might change her hair, and defends herself.

The Doctor with his donut in his hand just looks at this girl and mumbles "hmm", and then he takes his eyes to his younger daughter "well milkshakes?", he says giddily like a child himself.

Younger J jumps up and down "Yes please", she says taken her dad's hand in hers she drags him out of the shop not sure where she's going but in hope, her dad takes over in the direction but first they wait for River.

River smiles at the older J then leaves she gets outside to the Doctor and J and says "So sorry sweetie I won't be able to come with you for the milkshakes" more to the Doctor as she already explained to J "Another time", she smiles leaning to J's level and gives her a kiss on the forehead then back up to the Doctor and kisses him then leaves in a flash.

The Doctor and J head to the cafe.

Ryan and Graham walks up to J "Did you pick a donut or what?", Ryan laughed

"Ahh yes well no but yes but I don't want it no more let's go get the other two eh?", she says a little star struck and confused to why she can't remember meeting herself not that younger her knew it was her but still. She can't even remember being on this planet at that age only a couple months back when the Doctor took her after she was like kidnapped by people or aliens in their case who they haven't been able to identify just yet.

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