A steampunk Party!

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A/N WARNING! Strong language in some parts. Also I hope you all enjoy this chapter, while writing what each character was wearing I saw it and I hope you can imagine it. They look fantastic!

I did do some research on what I would like The Doctor to be in what she would suit same with Yaz, Graham and Ryan. For J, I already knew what was going to happen. But I hope you all love it anyway.

Longer chapter as well, not had a long one in some time I don't think. Anyways again I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I didn't really know what to title it so sorry if it's meh.

J absolutely despises fireworks, so she didn't go with her Pa and the Gang when they went to an event related to bonfire night.

Weeks had gone by and it was a Tuesday night in the Tardis, "So, does anyone want to attend this awesome steampunk party? The year is 2021 and it's in LA. I think it will be good." says the Doctor as she spins with her sonic in her hand.

"A steampunk night out?" Graham days "Absolutely." he grins.

"Do we get to dress up?" Ryan asks, Yaz rolled her eyes.

"Yes, Ryan we do." the Doctor points her sonic in the air "Steampunk style" she grins.

"Are you actually going to change outfit?"Yaz laughs.

"Ahh, maybe probably, likely, yes" The Doctor grins.

"I won't be." Graham says "But I will enjoy it." he says " I'm too old to be getting into steampunk styled clothes" he laughs using his age as an excuse.

"That means I'm far too old as well, I'm older than you by years Graham.", the Doctor scrunches her face and laughs.

"Ahh, your not getting out of it" Graham grins.

"And neither are you Gramps." Ryan says taken Yazmin's hand in his, "Same goes with you." he grins.

"Alright Gang, go get ready find your outfits I will tell J", The Doctor says leaving to find J.

She heads down to her room first, she knocks on her door "J?" She says "You in there?" No answer. She opens the door incase she has headphones on, she's not in her room.

She goes down the hall, to the left and down another hall and then down another to the right, she can hear loud gunshots, and yelling, she can Definitely make it out.

"Awe, for fuck sakes, stop BLOODY CAMPING YOU ABSOLUTELY BELLENDS", As J absolutely yells.

The Doctor rolls her eyes, "J", she says but no answer as she enters the room, she sees her daughter,

She's still in her SwanQueen Pajamas, her hair is a mess and she has a purple headset on, they are soundproof as well, so she can't even hear herself properly.

She sits on her chair playing one of her favourite games, Call of duty, lucky for the Tardis they have every single one. So in 2021 ironically, they remastered Call of duty: Black ops 2, and you can play it cross platform so she was indeed a very happy alien.

J, is in a party with some of her friends, "HOLY! Why don't they stop camping in corners like the little idiots they are? Bloody pussy's", she says.

"OI" yells the Doctor, but she's still didn't hear her.

Down the mic one of J, friends say to her "I think someone is in the room with you?" He questions.

"Seriously? Your going to try putting me off like that? Nobody is here" she laughs. She didn't even notice that even though her headset was in the volume from the monitor was still coming out really loudly.

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