An Eight year old J

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I'm just going to say that I hope you enjoy this chapter.

The Tardis lands, "Well then" The Doctor looks at her console screen, she scorched her face "Aweee not again old girl,'' she sighs.

"So not the forbidden planet then?" J asks one eyebrow raised.

"Unfortunately not" The Doctor looks to J.

"Where are we this time then?" Graham wonders

"We are" The Doctor looks back to the console screen "Oh, we are in a room" she turns back around "not any old room well I'm not sure who owns this house well room but we are in your hometown J, where you were when you were a child" she smiles because she remembers coming back here with River now and then to check up on their daughter.

"What?" J says a look of pain in her eyes, The Doctor looks at her a tad confused.

"So we are in a random bedroom?" Asks Ryan and as that suddenly the Tardis doors opened.

In came a young little girl, light blonde hair in pigtails, her tots show her hair is going a way of dirty blonde than the bright that shows below. She has her glasses hanging nearly off her nose, and grey joggers on, and a hoodie that is slightly oversized on her, she looks about eight years old, her footwear are some old worn down white trainers.

"Hi?" She says a bit confused memorised by the interior in the Tardis, "Why is it like an upside down spider without the body and just it's legs?" She questions.

The Doctor is a little speechless, she does not recognise this house but the girl in front of her is indeed her daughter.

"Am I dreaming?" She wonders "The box it looked familiar but the inside is different from my dreams" she says.

"You're dreams?" Ryan asks her

"Yeah sometimes I dream of this box, well a box like this but not this? I always ask her if she will take me away" she tears up "but she doesn't come outside my dreams I thought" she rubs her eyes "i want it to be time I was taken away from here" she hiccups as she gets rather upset. "But if it's just a dream that means tomorrow I still have to go to court, I am scared" she cries.

"Court?" The Doctor asks

J gets a very horrible feeling inside seeing herself like this, knowing why she's upset but seeing it in like third view was just as bad as when she lived in this part of her life.

"Yea, I~ I have to help put the bad man away" little J says trembling, she does not know why she is telling these 'strangers' this but she guesses if it's a dream, then she definitely can right? She sits on the floor her legs crossed and she looks up to The Doctor.

"I~ I love you~" she hiccups again, "Sorry, I love your coat" she sniffs back and makes herself stronger, she wipes her tears no time to cry in her dreams she tells herself.

"Thank you, sweetie" The Doctor leans down to her level.

"I've got to go, I should" Their J says as she turns and walks away she heads straight to her room, holding in her own tears from falling her eyes nip. She doesn't feel it right or rather that she should be here.

The Doctor signs and looks at her as she leaves.

"So who is she Doc?" Graham finally asks what's on his mind, Yaz by the way J, reacted guessed it too be her.

The Doctor looks over to Graham and back to J, but J is the one who spoke.

"Jamielee" she says sweetly.

"She's J?" Ryan says

The Doctor just looks at him and smiles,

"Oh, should we go too?" Ryan then asks.

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