Tick Tock!

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The ticking of the clock got louder and louder and suddenly J gets off her bed and walks over to her clock, she slams it down on her desk and lets out a scream she thought was not so loud but suddenly the Doctor rushed into her room.

"J, J what's up? What's going on are you okay? Why did you scream is there something in your room? Have the Slugs got out again?" as she stops to breath and looks at J she had a cross look on her face, she was clearly tired as well by the looks of her.

Her face was drowsy in tiredness she looks wide awake though throughout the tiredness. You could see the bags under her eyes. The whiteness in her eyes patched with redness and her eyes kept falling down and upwards as she makes her way back to her bed saying nothing this got the Doctor more worried.

J slams her body down on the bed she lets out a loud sigh, "Why can't I sleep?", she starts to get emotional now her eyes began to fill with tears and her head turns to the side looking away from the Doctor.

"Please leave me alone", she says calmly the Doctor didn't say or do anything she was however in deep thought to what was happening with J her daughter yet on that note she thought about how they still haven't spoken about it since she found out, and her memories came back to her.

"CAN YOU LEAVE NOW!" J startled the Doctor suddenly and she yells she now was standing in front of the Doctor the Doctor blinks but thinks when did she move? How did she not notice, but she looked at J her eyes even more red not patchy fully red the blue in her eyes now a dark shade from her natural colour the anger in her face showed, her face was red and confusion across her face.

"I SAID OUT!", she yells again, the Doctor left confused, startled, worried, annoyed.

She thinks how dare she speak to her like that? But what on Earth was happening.

The Doctor made her way back to the console room.

J on the other hand feel to the ground she didn't make a sound nothing her eyes closed shut and she didn't make a sound as quiet as a mouse she sat there in silence.

The Doctor got to the Console room she put her hand on her face as she started to think what was going on.

Ryan and Graham came through, Yaz follows suit they wondered what was all the yelling about they saw the Doctor standing there hand on face in thinking mode.

"Doc?" Graham is the first to break the silence, "What's going on?" he wonders.

The Doctor turned to see all three of her Team standing "It's J", she says "Something's wrong".

"What do you mean?" Yaz asks confused

"She's tired but can't sleep you can see it in her face when did she last sleep? well that is beyond me, she got angry and yelled at me for no reason", she says now tapping her sonic of the console.

"Maybe it's her time of the month?" Ryan half jokes

"Ryan" Yaz says given him some deadly look.

"Oh sorry" he rolls his eyes and looks back at the Doctor "Do time lord aliens, well time lady's? Have their time of the month?" He now wonders in curiosity.

"Ahh well you see yes but it definitely isn't the same as Humans now I know she was a little moody couple months back and highly sarcastic but she I know doesn't have her time as normal and regular as any other Human and that would be her side of being a Time Lord maybe I'm not sure, but she wouldn't be that angry or would she?" she wonders herself but pushes the thought away.

"Wouldn't you know?", Ryan said confused, The Doctor just looks at him.

"Ouch", Ryan says as he rubs his arm where Yaz had just punched him.

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