The Solitract.

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I woke feeling tired more tired than I was going to sleep, I decided I would get up and get my day going, I went over to my window and I saw the oh so lovely Tardis sitting outside, I decided to not go on the last few adventures with the Doctor and Yaz Graham and Ryan. I wanted to stay at home for a little but I'm I glad to see the Tardis.

I got dressed as fast as I could threw on a pair of dark purple jeans my Keep it Regal shirt and a Hoodie incase it gets cold if it's warm I can throw it in the Tardis or if I needed to change I have more clothes on my room in the Tardis.

I ran down the stairs and out my door and ran towards the Tardis as I got closer something was wrong I could feel it I'm not sure what though, so I continued towards the Tardis hoping the Doctor is alright, I decided I would not go in and knock so I did but something shocked me as I did so, and then the door swings open. "Oh J hello it's time for another adventure so come on", says the Doctor my mouth is hang open as I hear a Scottish accent from inside I thought to myself Amy? But I never meet Amy only saw some pictures when I stumbled across her room, always wanted to meet her so I had no second thoughts and went inside the Tardis. I was Right there stood Amy and this was certainly a Past Regeneration but the Tardis looked the same outside but not inside and I know the Doctors this Regenerations Tardis didn't look like that on the outside.

Now I only meet this regeneration when he was with Clara so the Doctor is so young. Something still didn't feel right, I looked back to the Doctor it's he is him but ain't something just doesn't seem right so I decided to keep my mouth shut for a little to figure this out.

"So where are we off to today then?", I asked.

"Anywhere you like anywhere in the whole of your universe time and space right?", says the Doctor now this this was off your universe? Why would he say that?

I turn to Amy I have never meet Amy as I mentioned only few photos of her and Rory, however the picture I saw she was wearing a Police outfit and a few where she doesn't have it but here she is with it on why? "Um Amy why are you wearing that?", I asked

"Well this is what I wear ain't it?", she says looking towards the Doctor

"Well you seem to be", I laughed and realised these people are not who they are meaning to be.

"So who are you lot eh?", I said raising my eyebrows

"What do you mean? I'm I'm the Doctor", says the Doctor now I know even more so he ain't.

"Nope you ain't you can't be Amy you can't be Amy you never ran around wearing that you had it on twice I heard the story from the Doctor when he came back for you but you didn't have it on again till your honeymoon and I don't see Rory anywhere", I said and that is true no Rory at all. Then a weird sound came from the side of me I turned and my eyes were as stunned as ever before it can't be, "Hello Sweetie", and then that sound again and I turn "RORY?", I question, "Right what is going on?", that sound was nothing I ever heard before then River and Rory appear. "Oh I get it I'm still asleep right", I laugh pinching myself maybe not?

"This is no dream you are real", says the Doctor

"But you lot ain't", I said and the floor started to move

"Solitract", I said thinking inside my head but actually was out loud

"Excuse me", said everyone around me

"The Doctor spoke of this before Solitract the Doctor and the gang came across it not that long ago and now your back why? The Doctor had explained you can not have our world in yours it will destroy them both I can't be here", I said starting to panic

"Calm down we ain't going to keep you here I just wanted one adventure with someone who's been on them with the Doctor", said the Solitract as it then puts itself into this other form a form of light that speaks.

"But if I'm here for long it could destroy us both, right?", I asked curious

"No but I guess you're right you should go", said the Solitrac now looking like a Rat my Ellie the Android Rat another form from my thoughts.

"I was going to keep try getting you to stay not for long I promise just one or two adventures i'm just so lonely", said the Solitract even though it told me to go it's trying to make me stay I can feel it telling me it's lonely.

"Look i'm sorry", as I back up to the door "But I can't stay here and you know it", I said opening the door all I could see was some tears and I felt extremely bad and the Solitract knows I can't handle seeing anything being sad "Please don't tell the Doctor", it said I nodded not sure if I was going to or not "I'm sorry", I said as I left. I walked out and there I was feeling that weird shock as I left i'm on the streets now.

The Tardis still in front of me I was confused I was not gonna knock or do anything then the door swings open.

"Oh J hey was about to come get you but great your here", I just look up to the Doctor she is her again but is she real? "Hey are you alright", she asks

"Are you real?", is all I can blur out "Of course i'm real I think I am here right oh hello yes I sound real yep real why'd you ask?", the Doctor rambles and this this feels real I just hug her and say "Oh nothing", I decided not to tell her about the Solitract because I know she promised to be it's friend and it tried to get me to stay and the Doctor would definitely not like that.

We ended up inside the Tardis it was her Tardis everything felt real and the humming below my feet from the Tardis letting me know this is real and I smiled.

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