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A/N Hey, so I know these are one shots but this chapter will be looked back at later on or maybe the next chapter will follow what was going on but for now a little well SPOILERS!

I Hope you all enjoy this chapter it's longer than the previous one shot be warned, but is it weird when I re read over it I myself forgot for a moment I wrote it till had to fix my own mistake honest i'm pleased with this chapter so enjoy.

J is sitting in the Tardis Kitchen munching down on a Jam Doughnut with a Nutella milkshake she made herself moments prior. She sits with music playing from her phone Currently Lady Gaga is playing Telephone a old favourite of J's.

The Doctor and the Gang are in the console room discussing their next adventure.

J bites down on her doughnut again she is nearly finished but as she swallows the bite she has a shooting pain shoots down her left side of her head down her back, she tries to scream out in pain but nothing came out it was just silence.

The pain stopped moments after she stands up and shuts her eyes tightly trying to focus and on her surroundings as the ringing in her ears get louder. She opens her eyes to see she had spilt her milkshake she curses under her breath and goes to clean it up but a voice appears in her head, ''i will get it J'', she knows it was Idris, The Tardis telling her to leave it and she whispers ''Thank you'', as she leaves and heads to her room.

''I really wanted that milkshake, god now i have to make another later", she says to herself as she walks on along.

''I know hun but you need to understand what just happened first'', Idris pops back in her head.

''Can't you just tell me what just happened since you clearly know?'', she said not meaning it to come out rude.

''As my child would say Spoilers Sweetie'', Idris says quoting River.

''Yep use Ma's words why don't",  She was cut off with another sharp pain this time in the temple of her head as it seems everything around her is spinning.

Her eyes fall shut and her breathing hitches it's like someone or something is setting off explosives in her head and the pain is like knives cutting through her, well so she would explain not like she has experienced that.

She tries to hold onto something as she screams this time she did indeed scream letting out a horrible high pitched scream of pain, this got the attention of everyone.

The Doctor looks behind her the direction of J's Scream came from, and Yaz unsurely says ''Was that'', but was cut off.

''Yes it was J'', and at those words of realisation from Ryan they all hurry to her.

As they approach J her eyes are still shut and as the Doctor was about to ask what was going on and why she just let out that scream, J collapse down onto the floor with a hard thump to the back of her head.

'Well shit that will hurt later' J thinks as she is Aware of what just happened as she felt her body fall and the pain of the floor, she could hear her Pa yelling for her to wake up.

She didn't of course. Her body twitches as the sound of a sonic screwdriver could be heard at the movements of J with the sound the Doctor decided not to scan her with the sonic and asks Ryan and Graham to take her to the med bay as Yaz follows them also, the Doctor goes and leaves a message for River in the hope she can help.

It is clear the Doctor is very much so in a panic.

As she can feel her body being placed on the bed and Ryan saying ''I hope she wakes up'', with worry in his voice.

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