Lilia 3?

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"So where to fam?" The Doctor asks with a large grin on her face.

"Dad, Please please please can we go to Lilia 3", J puts her hands together pleading to go.

"Where?" Yaz asks looking between J and The Doctor

"Lilia 3 the planet that has little cute creatures all different colours and some multi coloured" J Grins in awe

"Are you sure you want to go back?" The Doctor asks knowing the answer.

"Really?" J says knowing The Doctor is being sarcastic towards her.

"Here, I really want to go now as well," Ryan butts in.

"Me too" Yaz smiles at Ryan

"Graham?" J grins

"Me as well," he says smiling back at her.

"Well", the Doctor Grins "only because these three have never been" she goes and as always gets them flying and on route to Lilia 3.

"How can we not go?" J laughs "Wee little creature" she smiles.

"Only because you love the Purple ones" The Doctor Chuckles

"How can I not? Most have different purple shades on them and it's super cute and adorable and some small some big and the baby ones are just sooooo cute" she exclaims making a motion.

The Doctor and the Gang chuckle at how J is reacting.

Moments later they land, "Here we are" The Doctor smiles "And gang be warned do not eat anything that looks like candy floss" she laughs.

"Why?" Ryan wonders

"Come on son, she says not to don't do it" Graham nudges him softly.

"If you eat anything candy floss looking? Well... as Pa says don't they don't have candy floss here it is a living being they just look like it but once they turn you see their cute little eyes" J walks to the door "come on then" she grins opening the door and leaving.

She gets out the door and her mouth drops, her eyes squint and her mood changes "Pa?"

"This ain't Lilia 3" she turns to The Doctor coming out "where are we?" Shes confused, hoping it's not where she thinks they are.

"Ahhh," The Doctor says Ryan, Yaz and Graham come out.

"Not what I expected at all Doc" says Graham

The Doctor leans down picking up some dirt like substance and sticks it in her mouth, she chews down on it making a weird facial expression.

"Oh, not again" Ryan cringes turning away. "That's just disgusting."

"This is", she thinks for a moment "Ahhh, not good gang absolutely not back to the Tardis now chop chop" she practically pushes them back in.

She turns to J "Come on" She says but noticed J looks beyond the Tardis. The Doctor raises an eyebrow and goes to J, she looks in the direction J is looking.

J had just witnessed part of a war, beyond the Tardis Men fight till their last breath, being stabbed and choked she watches one man fight for his life, even though around that man all around fight for their lives, this is not what J wanted to see not here not again.

This planet they were on was definitely not earth but the people look like they might be from earth till one turns directly to their way, J looks towards one man, he didn't actually see them. But as he looked beyond just noticing something, he was stabbed. J watched the Grey human like body but with an extra two eyes fall to the ground.

There were sirens now being heard above the men are some sort of plane looking device one by one they fly over dropping what looks like Bombs, The Doctor realises the planes are coming their way,

"Move", she Yells at J "Come on, In" she pushes her into the Tardis shutting the doors just in time.

And explosion happened around the Tardis, but she protected herself as always and the ones inside, J was in shock still not sure what to do or say, Ryan asks if she was alright the Doctor nodded.

"What was~" Graham was cut off by Yaz she made a shh like motion and he went quite.

But the Doctor noticed "A bomb" she said, as she pressed buttons and leavers getting them away.

"Turns out we were in the middle of~" The Doctor was cut off.

"Sir boonton lies" J says,

"What?" Ryan was confused

"The planet is called Sir Boonton Lies, and that was the war the beginning of the end" J has now a tear falling down her face she quickly wipes it away.

The Doctor was unsure of her reaction she knows her daughter has seen many wars like this granted yes The Doctor has seen MANY more been in many more wars but her daughters reaction was rather odd to this. She walks up to J and asks a question on her mind.

"Have you been there before?" She wonders as J looked her in the eyes.

"Yes" she says walking away, "and no I don't want to talk about it" she leaves the console room heading to her room.

"Well that was weird right?" Graham says

"Graham" Yaz looks at him with disappointment

"Grandad" Ryan gives the same look.

"What? She acted rather weird" Graham says scratching the back of his neck.

"Your right" The Doctor says heading towards J's room.

She knocks on the door, "Go away" J yells.

The sound of a sonic could be heard and The Doctor comes in, J lays on her bed looking up to her ceiling.

"J??" The Doctor asks sitting down beside her, "Come on J you can tell me what's the matter?"

"It's just" she signs throwing her hand in the air.

"Me and mum came here, She needed some sorta weapon but we didn't know what was happening at the time she thought she came before the war, but it was in the middle of it, so she told me to sit in this place till she got back incase I got hurt. But I told her I wanted to come but she was not for it" she takes a breath sitting up.

"A little boy came into the place I was in, it was like a barn. He was confused as to why I was there alone, long story short he told me about how his parents died, how he ran away from the careers he was left with, one of them was the one that killed his parents and they knew and he knew. I told him it would be okay if we could get him away", J now has warm tears filling in her eyes.

"After ten minutes, the boy decided to leave to go to the bathroom that was outside. I watched him leave from the window, as he approached the wee building that had the toilet in it, a man appeared without a second through he killed him. I sat there till mum came I told her what happened and we left straight away. We could not help I could not, if only I told him to wait till mum got back maybe I could have kept my word, or if we left before the man appeared", J'a tears flow down her cheeks.

"Oh, J. It's not your fault and no you couldn't change it that war is in the books it's set in stone it can't be changed, I'm sorry, that's why I said back to the Tardis cause we cannot change anything" The Doctor says unsure of what to do.

J hugs her Pa as she takes a deep breath she composed herself.

"Sorry" she says standing up, she brushes her hair back and wipes her eyes, "can we just go to Lilia 3 please?" She wants to get her mind off this she doesn't want this on her concussions but it is, she wants it to leave but it will always be with her but if she takes her mind off it right now will be best.

"Okay" The Doctor smiles "come on then she gets up.

"I'll be through in a moment" J says picking up her diary to write init.

The Doctor looks at it her hearts hurt from what she read weeks ago still she hasn't said what she read, she has not seen River yet to discuss it with her either. So she leaves the room and goes to take them to the right place this time.

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