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"So J where in time and space would you like to visit now?", says the Doctor pacing around the console.

I thought for a moment I have always wanted to see my hometown, where they used to have a railway station is it would be cool to see how different it looked. Though I ain't sure on the time period.

"Uhh well, I wonder if we could go back in time I ain't to sure on the time period but back in my hometown Dalmellington they used to be a railway station, I thought this was pretty cool learning we'll stumbling across it Once Upon A time at school, but I didn't do much digging into it as I should or would have wanted to", I said.

""Do you Know anything else?". Asks the Doctor.

"Oh, oh yes I do my Gran I asked her about some stuff, My great uncle Peter was the last porter in Dalmellington train station when it was shut down in 1963", I say smiling.

"It also now is a Doctors surgery, Dentist, Police Station and some other things where the station used to be", I told her this I learned through school where about how the station used to be where the Doctors etc are now.

"Maybe we could go there it be cool to see how different looked? Meet my family?", I let out okay that was supposed to be just a thought oh well can't go back on my words now, I search the Doctors face for a reaction.

"Well maybe, maybe we should not really tamper with the timeline", the Doctor went to say more.

"Oh, I won't say who I am or tamper you have told me many many times Doctor never to do anything when crossing your own time stream or parts of family members time streams in case of big changes and trust me I won't cause any issues", I say a little sadder thinking she won't take me now.

"Oh, go on then just for a little what harm can we do eh?", she says at this point I get a little nervous we can't really do anything right? Cause any issues please just let this be a good day finding out some cool things in the past it would be so cool.

"Well then let's get going?", as the Doctor gets us into the Time Vortex from our previous Adventure.

We have landed and I am a little nervous cause if I come across any of my family I have no idea how or what to say hopefully nothing that will change any future events.

"Shall we?", asks the Doctor as she heads to the door.

We left the Tardis we are parked just where what looks like maybe the Square not too sure everything looks so different the air feels different the atmosphere around me just feels different but not in a bad way. It feels and looks almost better than what it's gonna become, I mean I hated living here to be honest with everything that happened but I always wondered what I used to be like. I was so glad when we moved away finally I wished we had years ago but I guess everything happens for a reason and now look at me? Travelling time and space with the Doctor back in time where my very own Gran is younger who can say they have been back in the past where their very own grandmother or anything like that is younger than them?, only with the Doctor.

"What year are we exactly", I asked curious.

"Oh, Let me see", says the Doctor Sticking her tongue out to taste the air and pointing her finger upwards along with it.

"1962 November, the third", says the Doctor.

"You got all that from pointing and what looks like tasting the air?", I asked confused.

"Absolutely, and Brilliant", she says.

"What is Brilliant", my face elbow with a confused look upon it.

"In a few days it's going to snow here", she says happy,

"Well let us hope we are gone by then, I do not like snow and back in these days the snow was a lot a lot more heavy", I say letting out a sigh as I do not like the Snow.

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