November 27 (Part 2)

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"Lauren, catch," Camila called out from the fridge as she tossed the butternut squash to the older girl who caught it with ease.

The two woman were in the kitchen preparing Thanksgiving dinner, their apartment feeling much smaller than most days. Alejandro and Mike sat at one end of the table playing a game of cards, while Clara and Sinu gossiped at the other end. Taylor and Chris were set up in the living room playing video games, loudly, and Sofi had herself sprawled out across the floor with her colouring books and paper, doodling absentmindedly.

As Sinu got up from the table to use the bathroom, Clara called out to Lauren and Camila asking if they needed any help.

"We've got it," Camila replied while Lauren continued to butter the squash and set it on the baking tray. "You're going to have to talk to her eventually," Camila whispered and Lauren just shrugged her shoulders in response.

"They work well together," Mike said to Alejandro, loud enough for Clara to hear and causing Camila's Dad to chuckle, knowing what Mike was trying to do. Clara watched the two in the kitchen, Lauren seemed happier than Clara ever remembered her being, she had a smile on her face and a hearty laugh when Camila would lean in and whisper something cheeky to her and they moved around the kitchen with ease. Clara noticed that they seemed to know exactly what the other was going to do before they did it and they both looked so domestic.

"Camz!" Lauren laughed, as Camila smudged some flour across her cheek. "You're gonna pay for that you know!"

"I know," Camila responded as she opened the oven door to check on the turkey. "Can you hand me the- Thanks," she smiled as she looked up to see Lauren already passing her the turkey baster. "It's almost done," she said with a nod as she doused the golden brown bird with more stock from the pan.

Lauren hummed as Camila stepped aside and Lauren slid the tray of squash onto the bottom rack in the oven. "These shouldn't take too long either, I suppose we should set the table soon, but first," Lauren said as she shut the oven door, "We need to do a little clean up in here."

Looking around the kitchen, Camila laughed and nodded her agreement, spices lined the counter and there were mixing bowls among other things scattered about. "I'll wash, you dry?" Camila asked as she handed Lauren a dish towel. It took almost a half hour to get the kitchen back in order, but when it was done, both felt a little better.

"She's staring at me," Lauren mumbled, noticing that even throughout her conversation with Sinu, Clara couldn't take her eyes off the two of them. "It's creeping me out."

"Does it creep you out when I stare?" Camila asked playfully.



"Bendícenos Señor, bendice estos alimentos que por tu bondad vamos a recibir, bendice las manos que los prepararon dale pan al que tiene hambre y hambre de ti al que tiene pan. Amén."

"Amen," came from the mouths of all as Alejandro finished blessing the food that Lauren and Camila had prepared and displayed so eloquently on the table.

Mike carved the turkey and once everyone had their meals, giant heaps of mashed potatoes and gravy, turkey, stuffing, cranberries, all of the fixings, everyone seemed to flow into an easy conversation. "Lauren got the spot at the gallery," Camila interjected. "It's the first week of January."

There were congratulations all around and then a silence before Clara spoke, "Why didn't you tell us? This is big news, these are the things you should call your parents about."

"You don't exactly handle big news well, do you now, Mom," Lauren spat out while Camila stiffened a little beside her. She had wondered when Lauren was gonna blow and how bad the outcome would be. "I would have called, but it's not like you support my decisions and we both know you wanted me to major in something other than Art."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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